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this was a cash hand.
My opponent was fairly aggro and had a wide opening range. Both our starting stackes are 100 bb's deep
Preflop everyone has folded to the button. The button raises to £3, im in the small blind with A J and raise to £8.00 The Big blind folds & the button calls my raise.
The flop comes down K 3 A Rainbow.
I put in a 3/4 pot sized bet hoping to get either value from maybe a weaker Ace or a fold. The button then shoves.
I mull it over for a few seconds thinking how many times am i going to be behind in this situation to a player who has been playing so many hands. In the end i call.
The button turns over K 3 for 2 pairs. The board runs out and neither of us improve & my opponent takes down a big pot.
In the long run was this a correct call or not?????
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