HUGE congratulations to Kiwi for an AWESOME battle to take down the Deepie this eveing. VWD also to Lee4tom who fought long and hard and of course to all who cashed.. and er.. AHEM.. I was pretty well chuffed to take 3rd!! Kiwini4u 1 £156 + 30 League Points 130000 lee4tom 2 £117 + 26 League Points 0 Lisa_Long 3 £91 + 18 League Points 0 unbpower 4 £65 + 12 League Points 0 FITF3 5 £52 + 6 League Points 0 winner5603 6 £39 0 Posted by Lisa_Long
In Response to Re: KIWINI4U takes home the £300 DEEPIE!!!! : Hope you had a good evening Anj, we almost sent out a search party for you lol Posted by GREGHOGG
haha gregg. yes had brill night 3 course xmas meal am still stuffed.
Well done Steve, and well cashed Lisa-Marie along with the rest, you all have some game there just a lack of confidence for one of you , enjoyed the railing last night greatly WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
Well done Kiwi I hope that gets you back to winning ways! Also a great result for Lisa and WD to all those that cashed, seems you had a fun FT which is great :-)
Thanks everyone, this is a game I really enjoy but can only play a few nights a week due to that dreaded thing called "work". I'm in tonight ready to defend my crown.
and Lisa , what can I say ? umm err umm err ...........
Well done kiddo nice one, your getting close now I'm sure the win is on it's way very soon ..
well played ..
Excellent play throughout.
A little message for the *Orford wannabe* who came 3rd - well done, u did great
well-done almost as luscious kiwini4u,
all who cashed ,
most importantly all who enjoyed,
your Irish m8 rover
Congratulations to all the others that cashed.