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Think c-betting here is standard with a up n down draw now i have picked up more outs on the turn with a flush draw is the shove the right move thoughts
76735Small blind 20.0020.002650.00it4ch1Big blind 40.0060.001300.00 Your hole cards87 IDONKCALLURaise 120.00180.001765.00dylan07Call 120.00300.005575.00bowl299Fold abramCall 120.00420.001125.0076735Fold it4ch1Fold Flop 5610 IDONKCALLUBet 280.00700.001485.00dylan07Call 280.00980.005295.00abramCall 280.001260.00845.00Turn Q IDONKCALLUAll-in 1485.002745.000.00
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If they not folding then the shove is pretty bad.
Your talking like you must get your chips over the line and not to do so would be wroung.
Why would it be right to get your chips over the line as a dog.
you have 15 outs with 1 card to come with no fold equity.
1 in 3 you win
When Hero shoves here and he gets 1 caller, he stands to gain 1346 chips (assuming he has 15 clean outs) which is about 180 chips lost. If he gets 2 callers then he stands to gain 1943 chips, so a profit of about 450 chips. (again assuming 15 clean outs)
When Hero shoves and gets no callers, he stands to gain 2745 chips, a profit of 1260 chips.
If Hero check/folds then his ev is 0. He can also get to showdown by checking, but for simplicity we'll ignore than option.
As you can see, when Hero shoves here then he's only losing chips (ev wise) when he gets 1 caller. The rest of the time he's making chips (ev wise) - and he's making substantially more in both of the other cases.
Lets assume 1 villain calls 80% of the time, 2 villains call 5% of the time and 15% of the time we get 2 folds. Then 80% of the time Hero will be losing 180 chips. 15% of the time he'll be gaining 1260 chips and 5% he'll be gaining 450 chips. 0.8* (-180) + 0.15* (1260) + 0.05* (450) = 67.5 chips.
(NB. I'm aware I didn't use the exact amounts in the calculations and just approximates, but shouldn't make too much of a difference)
As you can see, even when only 1 villain calls most of the time, we're still making 67.5 chips. For us to not profitably be shoving here, 1 villain has to call pretty much always.
if you beleive that both would fold x% of the time then sure shove it
fwiw verus one vilian it's an auto shove
---Steve -
In game we always like to think we have fold equity so yeah everyone probably shoves it in including me.
Doesn't make it correct though if at least one calls 100% of the time.
I missed that one of the villains was pretty short, but still don't think you can do anything but shove here. Only reason I'd consider not shoving here is that I had a read that one/both of the villains were passive but also stationary. That way we can check and realise our equity. Other than that having to c/f here just seems really bad.