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UKOPS Main Event............1/12.........then this happens
Really had to get this hand on here keeps grinding on me. Basically its a pot for 1/4 of the chips in play with 12 people left in and 6.7k up top.
Hand History #684027247 (02:10 26/08/2013)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceCoxyLboroSmall blind 4000.004000.00122830.00BigHawk89Big blind 8000.0012000.00396273.75 Your hole cardsAA MATT8Fold VEGASPugRaise 16000.0028000.00386378.00CoxyLboroFold BigHawk89Raise 32000.0060000.00364273.75VEGASPugRaise 120000.00180000.00266378.00BigHawk89All-in 364273.75544273.750.00VEGASPugAll-in 266378.00810651.750.00BigHawk89Unmatched bet 1895.75808756.001895.75BigHawk89ShowAA VEGASPugShowAK Flop 3QJ Turn 8 River 10 VEGASPugWinStraight to the Ace808756.00 808756.00
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They say varience will even itself out over time but unfortunately you will probably sick someone in a £5 satallite to compensate.