Team Played Won Drawn Lost Points Green 3 3 0 0 9 Yellow 3 2 0 1 6 Red 3 1 0 2 3 Blue 3 1 0 2 3 White 3 1 0 2 3 Purple 3 1 0 2 3 Remaining fixtures Thursday 5th September 7:30pm Team Green V Team Blue 7:40pm Team Red V Team White 7:50pm Team Yellow V Team Purple Posted by bbMike
Think you pasted the wrong table Mike new thread has the official P4 results.
NB The unallocated 2 points on Purple v White were (unfortunately) both White
Come onPURPS it's a relegation dogfight now time to roll up those sleeves and get stuck in those Yellows
In Response to Re: Sky Poker Prem Rnd 4 - FULL TIME RESULTS : Think you pasted the wrong table Mike new thread has the official P4 results. NB The unallocated 2 points on Purple v White were (unfortunately) both White Come on PURPS it's a relegation dogfight now time to roll up those sleeves and get stuck in those Yellows Posted by Phantom66
Trouble is Purples dont play together you got the manager just shoveing any 2 with 38k to steal when theres only 32 left and 4 purples on one table when what he should be doing is folding to keep his team m8 in not stealing his 4k blinds
yes cenashove you are a sad exsample for a manager and why you were picked ill never no i was right in one of my elier posts its every man/ women for themselfs out there no team play atall its no wonder we are bottom
In Response to Re: Sky Poker Prem Rnd 4 - FULL TIME RESULTS : Trouble is Purples dont play together you got the manager just shoveing any 2 with 38k to steal when theres only 32 left and 4 purples on one table when what he should be doing is folding to keep his team m8 in not stealing his 4k blinds yes cenashove you are a sad exsample for a manager and why you were picked ill never no i was right in one of my elier posts its every man/ women for themselfs out there no team play atall its no wonder we are bottom Posted by ALANSK100
We didn't lose because anybody knocked a team member out we lost because one of our team didn't take 1st place.
In Response to Re: Sky Poker Prem Rnd 4 - FULL TIME RESULTS : Think you pasted the wrong table Mike new thread has the official P4 results. NB The unallocated 2 points on Purple v White were (unfortunately) both White Come on PURPS it's a relegation dogfight now time to roll up those sleeves and get stuck in those Yellows Posted by Phantom66
Yes you are right, I was testing to see who is paying attention, and you sir should do straight to the top of the class! That was the table before last night, sorry.
Cena-shove, love it!!
Were you on the rail for the heads-up ALANSKI? Because I can tell you you lost because of the fall of the cards, it swung to and fro when both were only about 6-10 BB deep.
bb mike would it be tricky to pull MVP tables for the teams? I'm nowhere near it but just be see who's doing well for their respective teams. Posted by jdsallstar
This would have been extremely easy if I'd have thought about it from the start... I've not saved the finishing positions. If by some fluke my player lists from each game are sorted by finish position or I can find the info elsewhere then I'll pull it together. I'll take a look tonight.
PS thanks for confirming this is not a convuluted brag post!
In Response to Re: Sky Poker Prem Rnd 4 - FULL TIME RESULTS : Yes you are right, I was testing to see who is paying attention, and you sir should do straight to the top of the class! That was the table before last night, sorry. Cena-shove, love it!! Were you on the rail for the heads-up ALANSKI? Because I can tell you you lost because of the fall of the cards, it swung to and fro when both were only about 6-10 BB deep. Still, as long as we're having fun, right? Posted by bbMike
Great Fun
In Response to Re: Sky Poker Prem Rnd 4 - FULL TIME RESULTS : Trouble is Purples dont play together you got the manager just shoveing any 2 with 38k to steal when theres only 32 left and 4 purples on one table when what he should be doing is folding to keep his team m8 in not stealing his 4k blinds yes cenashove you are a sad exsample for a manager and why you were picked ill never no i was right in one of my elier posts its every man/ women for themselfs out there no team play atall its no wonder we are bottom Posted by ALANSK100
If you don't steal blinds when you have less than 10bb how do you avoid getting blinded out? The best you can do for the team is win the tourney for the big points, not make sure 4 of you scrape a point each.
bb mike would it be tricky to pull MVP tables for the teams? I'm nowhere near it but just be see who's doing well for their respective teams. Posted by jdsallstar
I didn't know what your definition of MVP was, but it looked like my players were sorted from last lobby position so pulled the above together. There will be some players who have scored in 1 tournament only missing if I couldn't allocate them to a team.
It's something I guess. If you want some sort of calculation done let me know and I'll sort it out after Thurs matches.
Green Army is just unbeatable
Well played etc.
But it tells you the colours of players in this thread, why ask in the chat box?
And why tell the chip leader (the other team) that he needs to be stealing pots??
Final lobbies are on previous page at the bottom folks. gg wp.
Remaining fixtures
Thursday 5th September
7:30pm Team Green V Team Blue
7:40pm Team Red V Team White
7:50pm Team Yellow V Team Purple
yes cenashove you are a sad exsample for a manager and why you were picked ill never no i was right in one of my elier posts its every man/ women for themselfs out there no team play atall its no wonder we are bottom
Cena-shove, love it!!
Were you on the rail for the heads-up ALANSKI? Because I can tell you you lost because of the fall of the cards, it swung to and fro when both were only about 6-10 BB deep.
Still, as long as we're having fun, right?
I'm nowhere near it but just be see who's doing well for their respective teams.
PS thanks for confirming this is not a convuluted brag post!
It's something I guess. If you want some sort of calculation done let me know and I'll sort it out after Thurs matches.
Seriously though good work Mike - it would be nice to get an officially confirmed version before the last event.
only just noticed this now - great work mike!!!!

On another note i actually have a chance of mvp - i just need to win the last 1
Surprised no-one has over 20 points.