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heads up for the win. Call or Fold
Hi All
I was playing the 4.30PM £5.75 Bounty Hunter and we were heads up and almost equal in chips. I made a call with a pair, with a over card, straight draw and nut flush draw. the odd on odd checker made me a 25% underdog but with so many outs I thought I had to call. Should I have waiting for a better chance?
darryn1973 Small blind 1000.00 1000.00 64300.00 peter_1959 Big blind 2000.00 3000.00 62700.00 Your hole cards A J darryn1973 Raise 3000.00 6000.00 61300.00 peter_1959 Call 2000.00 8000.00 60700.00 Flop Q 4 J peter_1959 Bet 10000.00 18000.00 50700.00 darryn1973 Call 10000.00 28000.00 51300.00 Turn 9 peter_1959 All-in 50700.00 78700.00 0.00 darryn1973 All-in 51300.00 130000.00 0.00 darryn1973 Unmatched bet 600.00 129400.00 600.00 darryn1973 Show A J peter_1959 Show 6 Q River 10 peter_1959 Win Pair of Queens 129400.00
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It's a tough one on the flop, i had a look at it and at first didn't mind the call. But looking back, what do we do on the turn if they put in another big bet? Really we need to fold if we do not improve.
When oppo shoves the river, looks like we are crushed. We have outs, but against most of opponents holdings we are a massive dog. I would personally, as played, fold the turn.
On the flop, would be really dependant on previous hands played and how the betting action went. Is he making these over bets often?
If we are just knew to heads up with the player, i'd prob just fold flop, and see what he started doing in later hands. If he continues with silly bets, all you have to do is 1) let him hang himself when you have a strong hand 2) just take him to value town.
There were better spots than this.
Thanks All for your comments
Personnally Pre-flop and on the flop i made the correct decision. There's no way i folding second pair with an overcard to the board. i personnally didn't think he had the queen at this point.
When the flush drawer came on the flop and he shoved all-in it should of have been obvious he had a queen.
I went all-in knowing i had outs but should have folded and found a better spot.
The other reason i called because 7 handed i was last with 3BB. i managed to then double, then treble and then double to chip leader. i felt unstopable and therfore gambled on this hand instead of playing the odds. I will think more next time.