Ok just played some Omaha cash as a total noob and all I can say is its bewildering.
I've never experienced a rise and fall and rise and fall in a chip stack as I did in that game today.
Yet despite losing eventually and making some pretty poor decisions I have to say I enjoyed it immensely, maybe it helped that there was plenty of us about who were inexperienced, but it was probably also teh most active chatbox I've seen when playing cash.
A heads up has to go to Talon, who despite not p there giving us guidance in teh chat box, or more often than not telling me that I had made a bad play, but seriously Col, I;m not going to say I took everything in you were saying, but I did find it very useful, so lets just hope I can go on and learn from there.
Secondly a big up to all the guys who played on teh table, it was fun, and especially Dohhhhhh, who was as naive as myself in that game, we both felt like ducks out of water.
So yes whilst not exactly a successful experiment in terms of cashing, it was a pleasurable one, and hopefully more players on here will give it a go (altho wait till I've improved first please

So thanks Sky for including this within your list of games, and also on the new look
Nice one Aski.
It might help, not sure, but I started a Thread yesterday, which many others have now joined in, called (similar to) "Omaha Hints & Tips for Beginners".
If you'll pardon the expression, "hope this helps"......
Have caught that thread, and it did help, just need to be a bit more disciplined and remmember I'm not playing Hold Em.
Not a problem Col, I more than appreciated the advice, and didnt take what you said as critiscm, as someone who knows next to nothing about the game, there were a lot of times where I was unsure on what the best play was, and I'd rather someone point out if I made a bad move, as opposed to keeping quiet, as then I might just think I was unlucky.
Just managed to finish 29th out of 186 in the omaha freeroll, so i'm guessing there are a lot of people in a similar position to me, as I think I only played about 3 hands
Im back! we on it again?? Bet I'm miles behind now arent I! haha!
Cya at the tables, hope this doesnt effect my NLHE game!!!! Im losing enuff tryin to learn this cnt be doing with it messing my proper game up too.
Just a note after my first proper hour at it.....It seems to me that the money just gets passed round, its just 1 cold deck after another.....
Am I wrong? and where does the real skill come in? what seperates the top players from the mid level players?
In Response to Re: Well That Was Interesting:
patience !!!!!!!!!!!and then some more lol
Just remember, it's a game of the nuts so your looking for hands that can connect with the Flop Very hard and have good potention for redraws to nut flushes, houses etc