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edited December 2009 in Sky Poker Tournaments

It is official Rich Orford has lost his marbles. A sky insider has told me “Richard has had a breakdown and it’s not his car (he’s not sure where that is parked).  On Saturday he was not himself and insisted on wearing a blue jumper that had seen better days and would not take it off. We all seen how it looked not even tikay at the ripe old age of 50 would wear that jumper.  Then rich rushed off home in a taxi when he got home he remembered he drove to work. That is a two hour taxi drive. What fool dose things like that?

 To cape it all he caught a flight to the USA on Sunday afternoon. His wife told me that as sky were starting Omaha on Monday and he had to catch a flight so he could be there from the start. Nebraska highway patrol is now looking for him”.

Team tikay hopes that he gets better but will make no difference to the outcome tomorrow as its 3-1 to team tikay.


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