We're on for another live show tonight on Channel 861!
And tonight is the big 'un!
Here's your hosts:
Richard 'Top Trump' Orford

and yes, those scores are out of 100.
and Redmond 'Breaking Bad' Lee

And here's your show...
Live Mastercash coverage from 7pm and live action from the main event: the £10K Primo from 8pm.
Simple as!
Get all your banter, questions, hand requests etc. etc to us either on this thread, via email skyopen@bskyb.com or via Twitter#skypoker
And also complete the sentence...
Poker satisfies my..?
Here's some that I think might apply to some people...
...my wish to keep my brain sharp
...my gambling side
...my wish to show off in front of strangers
...my total nerdiness with stats
...my need for a social life
....my wish to do mental arithmetic
....my wish to be able to lie to people and get away with it.
...my competitive streak
...my enjoyment of being on computers
...my need to the best
etc etc.
Maybe one of these applies to you? Tell us about it. Or- come up with your own answer. I'll read out all your messages on the show tonight.
See you later and good luck in the main!
Let's have some more messages for me to read out in the first hour!
Poker also satisfies my need to declare "never again" after every game
Andy / Ilera
*well... for £40.
Keep up the good work guys.
Great show. Please show this hand from 29th August ID no. 685103426. Did I do the right thing by folding or was I just bluffed off the pot?
Master cash table 3.
Hope that will help.
Here's a hand frmo mastercash if you're looking for some
Hand History #687161351 (13:11 05/09/2013)
This was a 6max table and had only recently started to break so we were playing HU. What does redmond think about the call down? I didn't think he would take this line of 3betting, then check/raising that board with any value hands. Once I make that decision is the call down standard given the runout?
Rich couple more you missed.
Ang Lee(director)
Christopher Lee
Brandon Lee.
Am sure are more as well
Hand History #688360950 (20:40 08/09/2013)
pedo-lee (in county durham)
dave lee (travis)
... what?
Here's another mastercash hand... I check the turn to pot control and also to let him value bet weaker hands on the river. But then when the river comes a Q, it really reduces the number of worse value hands that he'd bet the river with. So I check the turn to call a river bet but on this river do you think I can fold cos he now won't bet JJ and QQ caught up?
Hand History #686107370 (20:46 01/09/2013)