The end of Roulette will be at 8.03 Just in time for Hartigan's tea Again Tikay will claim they've won But they won't have a player in the top 21 BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!! I think I need there a doctor (or preferably a nurse) in the house! lol Posted by DiggerMan
Having re-evaluated my position on this, I reckon 7.22 It won't last longer than 25 minutes, that's for sure!!! MADNESS lol
Overall, about 8.15. Tikay will win after skilfully nursing his short stack for 74 minutes of the tourney.
Team Tikay will of course win and it will be......
It won't last longer than 25 minutes, that's for sure!!! MADNESS lol
Still leaving plenty of time to get to badminton at 20:00
I think everyone within 5mins should be put in the Santa Sack Freeroll!