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foul play in last week's goals goals goals.

edited December 2009 in The Shed
it really saddens me to write this but (again) we have had cheaters in the popular goals goals goals competition.

we keep a record of everyone's guesses but unfortunately some have been back and edited their posts.

i run this competition and others like it as a added little bonus to all community users and i certainly don't expect this treatment back.

because of this i am bringing in a new rule...

all users who have/ do cheat in any community competitions will now be illegible for any future prizes.

i hope we can all move forward and enjoy the community fairly.


  • edited December 2009

    Well done Rich.
  • edited December 2009
    Nice one rich,seems very childish that some people would want to cheat just for a tourney entry. Hang em high, that's what i think..
  • edited December 2009
    You should pass that on to Sky elf, the competition on Friday was a farce with people admitting to posting empty posts to edit them once they knew they were one of the first 6 respondents.

    Hang em all!
  • edited December 2009
    thats shocking..i think u should name and shame them..
  • edited December 2009
    In Response to foul play in last week's goals goals goals.:
    it really saddens me to write this but (again) we have had cheaters in the popular goals goals goals competition. we keep a record of everyone's guesses but unfortunately some have been back and edited their posts. i run this competition and others like it as a added little bonus to all community users and i certainly don't expect this treatment back. because of this i am bringing in a new rule... all users who have/ do cheat in any community competitions will now be illegible for any future prizes. i hope we can all move forward and enjoy the community fairly .
    Posted by Sky_Rich
    Who won rich

    Also good move LIFE BAN on ALL future comps...........
  • edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: foul play in last week's goals goals goals.:
    You should pass that on to Sky elf, the competition on Friday was a farce with people admitting to posting empty posts to edit them once they knew they were one of the first 6 respondents. Hang em all!
    Posted by Rattious
    Cheers for this Ratty m8......glad i wasnt the only one to notice this!! I have emailed a few relevant people and I believe this will be sorted!. I am also glad that Sky Rich has picked up on this blatant editing of posts and good for him for doing something about it. I dont think it has so much to do with the prizes, it is more a matter of the principle of the thing.
  • edited December 2009

    Im not even clever enough on this interpoker a thingy too think about such things never mind do it

  • edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: foul play in last week's goals goals goals.:
    In Response to Re: foul play in last week's goals goals goals. : Cheers for this Ratty m8......glad i wasnt the only one to notice this!! I have emailed a few relevant people and I believe this will be sorted!. I am also glad that Sky Rich has picked up on this blatant editing of posts and good for him for doing something about it. I dont think it has so much to do with the prizes, it is more a matter of the principle of the thing.
    Posted by MAXALLY
    was you 5th or 6th max, and wasnt it 2 members who changed their posts??
  • edited December 2009

    In Response to Re: foul play in last week's goals goals goals.:

    In Response to Re: foul play in last week's goals goals goals. : was you 5th or 6th max, and wasnt it 2 members who changed their posts??
    Posted by EDKENT123
    Spot on ED! i was 5th but like i said earlier, it will be sorted.It aint the prize i am bothered about, it is the principle!

    Sorry i didnt reply to your post on there but i was rather annoyed with the whole thing TBH

    Cheers M8

  • edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: foul play in last week's goals goals goals.:
    In Response to Re: foul play in last week's goals goals goals. : Spot on ED! i was 5th but like i said earlier, it will be sorted.It aint the prize i am bothered about, it is the principle! Sorry i didnt reply to your post on there but i was rather annoyed with the whole thing TBH Cheers M8
    Posted by MAXALLY
    Srry mate i know ur telling fibs, i know u are bothered due to the fact i know deep down u really want a pen and stress ball lol
  • edited December 2009
    Dont know whats more shocking, that people actualy do this or that people actually think they will get away with it
  • edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: foul play in last week's goals goals goals.:
    In Response to Re: foul play in last week's goals goals goals. : Srry mate i know ur telling fibs, i know u are bothered due to the fact i know deep down u really want a pen and stress ball lol
    Posted by EDKENT123
    LOL Ed.....yeah, u got me! I need a stress ball if I  enter any further competitions on here and have to wait for the official results to come through.....

    Just to put the icing on the cake, my car died on me on friday so it defo was not a good day to say the least!!!

    Now......where is that margatemafia bloke.....i am sure he will exchange a sky poker pen for one of his cars...........
  • edited December 2009
    disgrace, idiots keep doing this for a £5 entry to a tourny, what you reckon they would do if the prize was huge - kill there granny ?
  • edited December 2009
  • edited December 2009
    lol@ saddos trying to cheat to get into a freebie.... name them imo
  • edited December 2009
    Just read the thread, unbelievable,don`t agree with loony,  they have  probably already sold their grannies for a couple  of quid.Sad Sad people, do you think they will have guts and bottle to apologise, that may be a start for redemption
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