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Making up from the small blind?
What pot odds do we need to make up the small blind with any hand? Whats the cut off point?
I have read somewhere that Q,4 suited+ is the cut off hand to call is someone is shoving every hand blind. Just interested in everyones views on what is acceptable making up the SB.
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There isnt a range for me. Raise/Fold only.
I don't think that is the best way of looking at it for general play - those sort of stats are useful for deciding whether to shove or call a shove. Interestingly Q5 is actually a better holding than 22 for shoving v any 2 cards.
For just pot odds you could in theory go a lot worse that Q4s as you have half the pot committed already so you could argue than any holding with a 25% chance against ATC is worth a call.
I'd stick to your normal late position range - as being OOP post flop is a big disadvantage.
I would also be raising most of the time.
Big downside to calling is you are literally up against any 2 cards so you have no way of putting your opponent on a hand post flop.
You will always be out of position post flop so can take the initiative with a preflop raise
Raising will allow you to win post without hitting flop by making a continuation bet - assuming BB doesn't hit, didn't already have a monster, or just plain sees you raising and c-betting a lot and decides to reraise to test your metal.
It's important to observe how BB reacts to being raised by you. If they fold a lot you have a preflop stealing opportunity, if they call alot you have a post flop stealing opportunity - if they reraise a lot you have a trapping opportunity but better tighten up your range.
Also important to take note of what BB's calling range is, which is only relevant if you are raising obviously.