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Windows 8.1 update

edited February 2014 in The Rail
Have just installed 8.1 took about 3 hrs all told and I have a good internet download speed, all looks very nice so far just hope it don't interfere with my pokerin! The only issue is that you have to enter boatloads of security and pw info spose its no problem for you young'uns but for an oldie like me its a pain lol.
Its gotta be better than 8 have had no end of issues with that. If I find any issues with pokerin on 8.1 I will update this thread.



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    edited November 2013
    11 days in no real issues its running well and I love the way it auto corrects spelling on here and on facebook
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    edited November 2013
    Thanks for the update (pun intended)
    Have been considering a new laptop for a while but 8 was one of the reasons I have delayed.
    Glad to see that 8.1 has improved things.
    The time to spend may be getting nearer.
    Keep us informed how things are going.  Good or bad.
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    edited November 2013
    Ive played on 5 different poker sites, stars, tilt, 888, coral and have had no real problems other than a little lag on Sky but I get that on the other windows 7 puter and the laptop too so will hope the new Sky software will resolve these issues. Don't play more than 3 tables so if anyone plays more than this they will have to try it for themselves although I have had 3 tables open and watching a couple of others and had no problems with that.

    The only real issues have been with party and their new software and I have removed it completely from this PC and only play there on the windows 7 mc, have tried all sorts to get it to work properly but to no avail yet. Will try in next couple of days working with cc to resolve this problem.

    The overall set up is very different to windows7 but at least with 8.1 the start menu has returned bottom left but still from a windows7 or earlier user it will take a couple of days to get used to. If I can to grips with it anyone can lol.

    Hope this helps Dragon

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