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Player types - which Star Trek character are you?
Started as an aside to a BorinLoner HH with Trekkie names used.
Thought I'd open it up for some Poker chat...
Kirk - definitely a LAG risk taker - thinks he will and usually does get away with outrageous moves
Spock - definitely pure mathematical player
Bones - Very timid - cares too much about his chip stack tight and very passive
Scotty - Understand the mechanics of the game and can improvise in difficult situations. Emotional - liable to tilt
Uhuru - good communicator - gets good reads and talks you out of hands you should be winning
The uncredited security guard/lieutenant - definitely a newb who isn't going to last long
Any more?
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For TNG fans...
The Borg - they assimilate your chips. Resistance is futile.
Data - dont even bother playing him, makes Phil Ivey look average.
Doctor Beverley 'Crusher' - name says it all!
Worf - Agressive!
'Q' - chirps a lot, annoying.
Troy - soul reader
Though I suppose with the latest batch of films my character choices could mean I am a fresh faced 18 year old?
I only played a character in Star Trek for a Sky Poker TV Special, & Rich Orford was in it, too.
Blowed if I can remember the name of the character I played, but I was brilliant, though surprisingly, no Oscar came my way.
It'll be hidden away in the depths of You Tube somewhere.
Would definitely put myself down as the one person in the away team who you dont recognise. Only purpaoe is to die and make the others look good.
Few other options.
Wesley Crusher: highly intelligent and opinionated. Your only desire though is to see them lose so they will leave
Majel Barrett: Keeps turning up different everytime you see them and never stays long enough for you to understand.
Geordi : Come on x-ray specs how can he possibly lose
Khan : Vastly superior, creates a love to hate reaction. But fundamentally flwed
sonic shower,always clean
:):) no sweaty players
Odo - Changes style of play throughout the game
Quark - The tightest player in history, would die rather than give up his chips