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Does any1 else thinkskypoker is fixed?

edited July 2009 in Area 51
Does any1 else think that skypoker is fixed?

i have had so many bad beats on this site and lost alot of torneys and money due to ridiculous bad beats for example i have had quad jacks beaten by runner runner quad kings

i just played a multi table torney and had aces busted by quad 10s, heads up in a sit n go i called a guy all in on A,K he had 10,6 and won (thats not that bad cos its 50/50) but it just seems when your in a multi table tournament or sit n go for that fact 1 person just gets everything they need!

1 guy last night was calling all in on every hand so i called him with A,8 hit the ace on the flop he had Q,5 and turn and river came queen queen!! how many times have u ever seen dat on the tv or at the casinos? personally i have never seen such bad beats!!

so does any1 else hve such bad luck on this site or is it just me??


  • edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: Does any1 else thinkskypoker is fixed?:
    why would i wanna be called byt hands that are beating me im not a idiot i only call all in if i no im infront or if i no i have the best hand if there are such bad beats why have i never seen them concidering i watch poker on tv nearly every day ive seen bad beats but no were near as regular or as bad as you do on skypoker (and to the other person sorry if posted in wrong section)
    Posted by KingFlush
    No need to apologise.Just delete your post and re-post it Area51 where the rest of us dont need to read it.
  • edited July 2009

    if you played the same amount of hands live, the same amount of bad beats will happen.

    another guy who would rather be called by hands that are beating him I guess.

  • edited July 2009
    why would i wanna be called byt hands that are beating me im not a idiot i only call all in if i no im infront or if i no i have the best hand if there are such bad beats why have i never seen them concidering i watch poker on tv nearly every day ive seen bad beats but no were near as regular or as bad as you do on skypoker

    (and to the other person sorry if posted in wrong section)
  • edited July 2009
    There is a section for this on the Forum mate under 'Area 51'
  • edited July 2009
    Is this discussion still going on?

    I thought we'd put it to bed for good.

    Please....No more 'Is Sky Poker fixed' threads/posts, give it a rest!
  • edited July 2009
    I am starting to believe that it is fixed. I have so many unreal bad beats against faceless wonders that I cannot think otherwise. I have been playing live poker for long enough to believe that these instances cannot happen. I hope that I am wrong.
  • edited July 2009
    When was it broken?
  • edited July 2009
    If it is fixed, its fixed in my favour, so its all good
  • edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: Does any1 else thinkskypoker is fixed?:
    It's definitely fixed. They have cameras too. Try putting tin-foil over your mouse - that'll stop 'em! I haven't had any bad-beats since I did that...
    Posted by NoseyBonk

    psml lol lol lol
  • edited July 2009
    Because you play more hands online, ergo it will happen more often, like he said feel free to move to area 51, you'll like it there, honestly.
  • edited July 2009
    I made a post that gives you a much worse that was live and televised. It's in area 51, read it and then say it never happens live.
  • edited July 2009
    i didnt say it doesnt happen live i sed ive never seen such bad beats live and so frequently
  • edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: Does any1 else thinkskypoker is fixed?:
    It's definitely fixed. They have cameras too. Try putting tin-foil over your mouse - that'll stop 'em! I haven't had any bad-beats since I did that...
    Posted by NoseyBonk
    Someone has to award a post of the week prize for that post - come on Sky! Thats genius lmao

    P.S. Does it matter which way round the tin-foil goes? Shiny side in or out? Hmmmm
  • edited July 2009
    It's definitely fixed. They have cameras too.

    Try putting tin-foil over your mouse - that'll stop 'em! I haven't had any bad-beats since I did that...

  • edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: Does any1 else thinkskypoker is fixed?:
    Is this discussion still going on? 
    Posted by bobcat52

    Is Elvis still alive?


    PS it doesn't matter which way, both sides reflect the rays ;-)

  • edited July 2009
    I haven't laughed so hard at a post in ages!! Brilliance Nosey sheer brilliance
  • edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: Does any1 else thinkskypoker is fixed?:
    It's definitely fixed. They have cameras too. Try putting tin-foil over your mouse - that'll stop 'em! I haven't had any bad-beats since I did that...
    Posted by NoseyBonk

    Yup, HAS to be Post of the Week!

    Cheered me up no end, that.
  • edited July 2009
    ive put the tin foil round it    little blighter ran into a 190 degree oven for 30 mins and came out as a nice hot.................................wait 4 it........................moussaka      sorry couldnt resist
  • edited July 2009

    errr no, but i think anyone who does is a muppet!

  • edited July 2009

    In Response to Re: Does any1 else thinkskypoker is fixed?:

    if you played the same amount of hands live, the same amount of bad beats will happen. another guy who would rather be called by hands that are beating him I guess.
    Posted by NColley
    The last sentence from above confuses me a little.  He wasnt on about slowplaying a hand
    and being overtaken....he was on about what phykic powers the player with seemingly
    rubbish cards must of had to know that his friends at skypoker were going to hit him with
    a monster with a autofold hand.  My worst here was runner runner for the only outs
    gutshot straight vs my trip queens on the flop!  why would he put in a huge raise
    preflop with 10 8? then go all in with no pair when acting first?  And then skypoker
    call it a conspiracy theory.....oh so the guy u helped win, or the house player playing
    accordingly, did what anyone would do with 10,8os....22x the bb raise....then all in
    after missing the flop by miles, 2 players to act behind him for 66x the big blind
    and then win from a Q 7 3 in hand, him = 10 8...turn 9 river 6.
    I think Skypoker are on the slide and want to "get people back?"

    As ive said elsewhere, it would not suprise me if Skybet got a huge fine for fixing
    (but Alderney arent part of UK or EU ruling, so "fair" could mean "biast without charge")
    because every card for every hand was manually chosen.
  • edited July 2009

    anyone ever else wonder about the minute before a guarenteed tourney starts?
    there was 37 in the £50 G with one min to go....51 started. am i sat in a tourney with
    50 other players like me, or 40 + me + 10 skypoker staff?

  • edited July 2009
    Have played on all the good sites now, theres no fixing , all the sites have the same bad beat stories

    My favorite is " I stopped winning as soon as I withdrew some cash from my account "
  • edited July 2009
    i know its it no fixed but how long does these bad beats last..............? lol
  • edited July 2009
    Until you die. Sporticus always wins in the end.
  • edited July 2009

    do you know what , i think the national lottery is fixed,it may look random,all those balls bouncing around,but every week someone else apart from me wins it,and i won the first week i played and ever since i cashed the ticket i ve won nothing...

    sound familiar?


  • edited July 2009

    Hiya, not only do i thinks the whole site is fixed....i believe the odds continue to
    get worse (especially on skyvegas) to cover for their wage bill etc. and to ensure
    profit still.  It wouldnt suprise me if pokers tourneys were all won by houseplayers.
    I say this because bad players dont learn here, they get granted luck more often
    than not and because skyvegas is vacant of any decent makes the
    poker seem in jeopardy too!  This site is as if held together by sellotape and
    on a tight shoe-string budget trying to steal every spare buck.
    I would take any odds that its fixed, as its certainly giving me a zero'd balance
    eerily often.......(to encourage frustration and a deposit they hope?)
    Well no more deposit from me, only to win back what ive lost on skyvegas by
    loadsa small bets on the only section thats worth playing on this sad excuse
    for a gambling home is Skybet - sports betting....their odds arent the best....they
    have a look at everyone elses, and then set odds in the middle....well, its these
    rats whose bank i want to get paid back from anyway.

    Skybet - up  (not the best odds ever, except horses)
    Skypoker - up (but still i think foulplay is an option for them, they think)
    Skyvegas - down! this is where its all gone, der der der der der = nothing or 5p or 15p
                     for a 20p spin on slots....or miss miss miss x10 at roulette OR
                     Goldenballs- but with a twist...twice as many killers, than on TV
    Skybingo -  down, about £20 on, £4 back once for 1 players?
    Cheers and bad luck Skybet

    Forby xx
  • edited July 2009
    I reckon P-stars is fixed.

    Raised BB who then re-raised my AK suited all-in with QJ off suit. Needless to say, the board blanked all the way to the river when he hit a miracle card.

    The very next hand and I'm the BB and holding KK. A short stack raises all-in from early position and shows 33. Once again the board blanks down to the river when.....................

    Yep! you've guessed it, he hits a miracle 3 on the river.

    Fixed?? Conspiracy to stitch me up?

    Doo Doo De Doo, Doo Doo De Doo.........welcome to the twilight zone!!!
  • edited July 2009
    Freerolls are fixed. No doubt.

    Every single time I have been all in, I have lost. Thats over the course of 12 freerolls in the last five days or so.

    Each time I was ahead (  this is pre-flop). It might only have been 54-46, or it could have been 82-18 ( eg aces ). But I lost each one.

    The only way I win pots in these is to try and see all the cards before I commit a majority/ all of my chips , so I can be pretty certian I am ahead. This is very difficult in the freerolls.

    The players I am losing against, or infact that do well in these, seem to be losing players and newbies. Ive checked sharkscope.

    It needs looking into.
  • edited July 2009
    The latest is I keep being moved from tabel to table and end up in the BB straight away at each!

    This is deep into the tourney too, so it hurts.
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