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Why only 6 seats

edited November 2013 in Community Suggestions
New here so take it easy, Why are all tables 6 seats. I am really struggling to adapt from 9/10 to 6.

This isn't a complaint just an observation from a newbie struggling to adapt, 6 handed to me is too reliant on luck.

Also is there anything in the pipeline for other poker variations, I know it all depends on traffic but surely there must be enuff people here to get something going.

Any advice on adapting from 9/10 to 6 seats would be appreciated.

many thx


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    edited November 2013
    Hi Pooldog - welcome to the forums.

    Six seat tables are the USP of Sky Poker. I feel it promotes more interaction between players, with - often - a more family-friendly atmosphere. It can take a while to adapt from full rings games on other sites, but I think once you do, you will appreciate the finer points and the skill that goes along with it.

    As for other poker variations... hold em is the most popular form of poker across the world and as such is the variant that Sky Poker highlights. There are a few omaha tables, and this number is growing. I am sure if those in control of these things thought that stud or draw or razz or even snap was to bring in many new players, these would be added.

    Enjoy your time here.

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    edited November 2013
    Thanks for the reply slipwater, will try and adjust but I think i'll try and stick to Omaha for now. Just that 6 seater MTTs are a minefield in NLH.
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    edited November 2013
    There used to be 9 seaters but they got phased out, presumably because they didn't get much traffic (?)

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    edited November 2013
    ^ Hit the nail on the head there
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    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Why only 6 seats:
    There used to be 9 seaters but they got phased out, presumably because they didn't get much traffic (?)
    Posted by NoseyBonk
    surely that was ring games, tournies aint gonna get any less changing to 8/9 or even 10

    I don't do a lot NLH ring mainly tournies and i'm finding it difficult adjustin
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    edited November 2013
    Friday Orfordable League (November Week 3) 2 prizes up for grabs

    Last 10 seated game left.
    And as the new software is on the horizon probably not here for much longer.
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    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Why only 6 seats:
    ^ Hit the nail on the head there
    Posted by Sky_Lee
    Lee was full ring (9 seater) ever tried or was it just 10 seats? 

    10 seats is zzzzz but 9 is playable imo. 

    obv depends on traffic u guys get, and i 100% agree 6 max is the nutss
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    edited November 2013
    You are right pooldog 6 compared to a 8/9 seat tournament is a different game it forces you to play a wider range instead of just waiting for premium hands. If you don't adapt you will be blinded out soon enough having to shove with some poor hand.
    Perhaps that's why other sites and pundits see Sky as soft because players have adapted to play this way I don't rightly know, what I do know is that most on this site now prefer the 6 handed game including myself. Even when I visit the other sites I look for the 6max games in tours and cash and both are becoming more popular elsewhere.
    Having said this I have no problem with 8/9 handed tours and would play them on sky as I have the ofordable on occasion when I wanted a nice relaxing game but I can soon find myself getting bored and playing sub-optimally. low stakes tours to get used to it and read many of the very informative diaries in the poker chat secton of the lobby.

    Welcome and gl at the tables.
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