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philluckboxuk strikes again

edited December 2009 in Sky Poker Tournaments
After Tikay's stirring compliments in Greg's thread prior to the £22 deepstack tonight , I thought Id share the end result for him :)
(apologoes for blatant boast)
phil12uk1300001£156 + 30 League Points
sim7502£117 + 26 League Points
Nutter593203£91 + 18 League Points
FITF304£65 + 12 League Points
mickjenn105£52 + 6 League Points


  • edited December 2009
    In Response to philluckboxuk strikes again:
    After Tikay's stirring compliments in Greg's thread prior to the £22 deepstack tonight , I thought Id share the end result for him :) (apologoes for blatant boast) phil12uk 130000 1 £156 + 30 League Points sim75 0 2 £117 + 26 League Points Nutter5932 0 3 £91 + 18 League Points FITF3 0 4 £65 + 12 League Points mickjenn1 0 5 £52 + 6 League Points THETANK 0 6 £39
    Posted by phil12uk
    Well played Phil, hopefully keep the form going for TKO deepstack as Greg says he will wear Burgundy stockings if Orford's Team win the ds!

  • edited December 2009
    In Response to philluckboxuk strikes again:
    After Tikay's stirring compliments in Greg's thread prior to the £22 deepstack tonight , I thought Id share the end result for him :) (apologoes for blatant boast) phil12uk 130000 1 £156 + 30 League Points sim75 0 2 £117 + 26 League Points Nutter5932 0 3 £91 + 18 League Points FITF3 0 4 £65 + 12 League Points mickjenn1 0 5 £52 + 6 League Points THETANK 0 6 £39
    Posted by phil12uk
    Nice one Phil.

    Some minor consolation for trailing 3-1 with a dead rubber to come ;-)
  • edited December 2009
    wd phil another fantastic win,orfords rule eh mate? dav
  • edited December 2009
    Hi phil, very well done m8, and thoroughly deserved (Orfordite concession this once ;))
  • edited December 2009

    Let's go to Vegas and CLEAN up!!! Well OK.. You play poker and I'll clean up..the glasses, plates and the like.

    Congratulations .. Luckbox strikes again INDEEEEED!!

  • edited December 2009

    Shock Horror, Luckbox wins again!

    Seriously, very well played, Phil, that £22 Deepie takes some winning.

    I was going well, too, but I could not get my Oppo off J-J despite 5 betting pre, (!), & they Binked v my K-K.

    Well done to you, & ALL those who Cashed.
  • edited December 2009

    Nice one Phil! - Also noticed SIM75 in 2nd, this guys a good player but seems to run so bad! so it's good to see him gettin some reward at last! Anyone who can cash in this format has my admiration, id try and win it within the first hour everytime!


  • edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: philluckboxuk strikes again:
    Nice one Phil! - Also noticed SIM75 in 2nd, this guys a good player but seems to run so bad! so it's good to see him gettin some reward at last! Anyone who can cash in this format has my admiration, id try and win it within the first hour everytime! DOHH
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    This guy is a girl. From Sheffield. ;)
  • edited December 2009
    Another terrific performance, Phil.
    I look forward to you leading us to victory in round 5 of TKO.
  • edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: philluckboxuk strikes again:
    Another terrific performance, Phil. I look forward to you leading us to victory in round 5 of TKO.
    Posted by MereNovice
    Pfft. Dream on.
  • edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: philluckboxuk strikes again:
    Another terrific performance, Phil. I look forward to you leading us to victory in round 5 of TKO.
    Posted by MereNovice

    Hahaha..Ever the joker Vince ;)
  • edited December 2009
    Well done Phil and all who cashed

    If my PC had not disconnected from the internet with 8 left, i might have had a shot too!

    Oh well, im still tilting from that actually, such a horrible way to lose!

  • edited December 2009

    Really hes a girl?? Im sure Its the same sim75 I played with on the ft of a BH a few weeks was definately a SIM maybe the numbers were different on the end? I read his/her post about bad luk and searched for him/her on find a player, realised s/he was in a BH due to start in 2 mins so entered and we met on the FT.

    Was talking for ages, it must be the same one coz s/he was from sheffield too. - She fell victim of a 3 outer or summat daft n came 3rd I think.

    Nevermind, well done anyway!


  • edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: philluckboxuk strikes again:
    Well done Phil and all who cashed If my PC had not disconnected from the internet with 8 left, i might have had a shot too! Oh well, im still tilting from that actually, such a horrible way to lose!
    Posted by GREGHOGG

    Sick luck Greg :(

  • edited December 2009
    Nice one again Phil... Think im going to take a 2 day break, im running so bad and getting stale, ill probs come back on Sunday, hopefully fresh as a daisy.
  • edited December 2009
     Oyi Oyi    Orfordonian wins again !! 
    Well done Phil, the thing is in a proper game the Orford super stars rise to the top !! 
    well done m8  .."may the flop be with you"  ! 
  • edited December 2009
    They say that folding is the key to winning a tournament and this was my big fold for last night that I was particularly proud of :)
    phil12uk Small blind  300.00 300.00 19650.00
    Nutter5932 Big blind  600.00 900.00 6190.00
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    FITF3 Fold     
    mickjenn1 Call  600.00 1500.00 20785.00
    THETANK Call  600.00 2100.00 10852.50
    phil12uk Raise  2400.00 4500.00 17250.00
    Nutter5932 Fold     
    mickjenn1 All-in  20785.00 25285.00 0.00
    THETANK Fold     
    phil12uk Fold     
    mickjenn1 Show
    • K
    • K
    mickjenn1 Win  25285.00  25285.00
  • edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: philluckboxuk strikes again:
    They say that folding is the key to winning a tournament and this was my big fold for last night that I was particularly proud of :) phil12uk Small blind   300.00 300.00 19650.00 Nutter5932 Big blind   600.00 900.00 6190.00   Your hole cards Q Q       FITF3 Fold         mickjenn1 Call   600.00 1500.00 20785.00 THETANK Call   600.00 2100.00 10852.50 phil12uk Raise   2400.00 4500.00 17250.00 Nutter5932 Fold         mickjenn1 All-in   20785.00 25285.00 0.00 THETANK Fold         phil12uk Fold         mickjenn1 Show K K       mickjenn1 Win   25285.00   25285.00
    Posted by phil12uk
    I agree, but Phil, you were against Mick. Mick ALWAYS does that with AA and KK. So its an easy fold... Hardly the fold of the century!

    and in the 100s of times i have played Mick, i have NEVER seen him do that move with anything other than AA and KK.

  • edited December 2009

    Nice fold Phil. but as Greg says, that's a bog-standard line from Mick, he may as well play his hand face up he does it so regularly.
  • edited December 2009
    wd phil
    we had a little fight for first and you prevailed champ wd again you got some very nice cards heads up and yes im a girl peeps lol sorry if thats a let down lol
  • edited December 2009
    In Response to philluckboxuk strikes again:
    After Tikay's stirring compliments in Greg's thread prior to the £22 deepstack tonight , I thought Id share the end result for him :) (apologoes for blatant boast) phil12uk 130000 1 £156 + 30 League Points sim75 0 2 £117 + 26 League Points Nutter5932 0 3 £91 + 18 League Points FITF3 0 4 £65 + 12 League Points mickjenn1 0 5 £52 + 6 League Points THETANK 0 6 £39
    Posted by phil12uk
           Very well played Phil! Our hero. :) xxxxxx
  • edited December 2009
    NICE ONE PHIL--Well done there!  good win--wtg
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