raising to isolate in a speed BH with dead money in the pot doesn't require one to be drunk though and against a 20bigs button shove he'd expect those cards to be live not sure i could do it, but others do have those mad skills.... Posted by GELDY
Except it wasn't a raise to isolate - it was a call with one person to act after him.
I don't absolutely hate it if he had a monster stack as the chance of 2 bounties when we could effectively have A10-AK and each others outs, and he is gtd 2 live cards. But he didn't have a monster stack so it was just an out and out gamble which if you check earlier threads he is prone to doing. And I've played him enough to know he is vv aggro to the point of exploitable if he stays the same, but also really hard to play against. And yes mine was the effective stack so someone to act behind is neither here nor there.
See "slightly out flopped lol
it's really sick when you get knocked out by someone playing atc
very annoying indeed
a) misclick
b) drunk
c) both a and b
n'est ce pas