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Ok so this is not a hand but thought what better place than the clinic....
How would you work the odds of ...
● Flush with 5c 6ç
● Flush with 5c 6d
● Straight with 5c 6d
● Straight with 5c Js
● Full house with pocket pair
● Full house with As Ks
Then a bit furher, your odds of winning when your hand is ...
Ks 10h
As 3h Js (flop)
0 ·
1 example would be
Heads Up
5c 6c
There is a chance of 11 cards that can make that hand
what are the odds on
hitting flush on the flop
by the turn
or on the river
how do you adjust your odds ?
If you miss the turn, the chance of hitting it on the river are also about 1in5