Hi all, fairly new to poker and certainly new to the forums. Have noticed that players who dont play exactly as expected are often slated on the forum and chat boxes for being "weak" "donks" and sometimes worse. Surely if we all played exactly as we should, or as the experts say all games would be won by the fall of the cards only.
Im a believer in the skill involved in poker (not that I have any), find it interesting and challenging to learn but think its beauty can be lost lost in the belief that theres a hidden ettiquette involved that has to be followed.
Im only writing this as alot of what I read on the forums tonight waiting for the main event tonight was quite harsh on those who aren't playing perfect poker.
Its not a rant only an observation, let them play bad, let me play bad, its my entry fee

See you on the tables, only once or twice a week though as the missus gets the hump!!!
p.s love the channel, the site, forum and the banter just interested peoples views on the matter
Good luck to you at the tables
Of course, you don't even have to have made a bad play to encourage their ire. Beating some of them, even if you have pocket Aces is enough for some chunterers (Tikay's word) to suggest either you played it wrong or got so lucky you'd have thought you'd won the National Lottery not a simple hand of cards.
The best advice comes courtesy of Baz Luhrman's "Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)"
"Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults;
if you succeed in doing this, tell me how"
In my opinion, there is a very fine line between what is acceptable behaviour and not. I don't think you should ever call a player weak full stop, it is quite frankly rude. Sure, there are players I have come across on Sky Poker who are weak, that is my opinion and I am entitled to it - but I would never "name and shame" them. It is their money, they can play how they like! For all I know they are multi-millionaires and really don't care about losing; perhaps they just want a bit of a gamble - perfectly fine!
The only time I would feel comfortable giving criticism is if I was specifically asked to give my opinion on their play - such as in the poker clinic section of the forum. Even that criticism would not be saying the player is weak though. I would state however that play is "sub-optimal in order to make profit" or words of a similar elk.
As I said, it is a fine line ... the phrase "treat others as you want to be treated" springs to mind, but even then some people don't mind being treated harsher than others so that can fail too - you may offend someone by accident. It can be a bit of a minefield actually. In my book though, the big no-no is criticising a player or specific thing at the table itself - that's just not on. It angers me very much when a player is out-drawn, gets knocked out and says something like "you're a s*** player going all-in on that, go play bingo" to their opponent - happens far too often. It is a terrible attitude and is quite frankly, undignified.
I PLAY LOW STAKES AND CAN AFFORD 2 LOSE £40 A WEEK , I NORMALLY PLAY THE DEEPSTACK AT 2.20PM 4 £2.20 most of the players on their are very friendly , so i would recommend it if u are available .
You will still get the odd player telling you how bad you are , but they are outnumbered by friendly players, who i have found to be the better players .
all the best
However, I'd only give the Chunterers 6/10 for spelling!
The fact you raised this post indicates your enthusiasm for the game.
My advice would be always play the game you feel comfortable with!
Ignore the hecklers,if they were as good as they thought they were, You wouldn't have just dumped them out of the tournament!.
if you want to improve, rail the closing stages of main events and cash games.
Finally there are many great threads on Bankrolll Management in the forum, read them and establish a system that works for you,