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Master Cash 19/12/09, Make Your Play TWO
Two-Handed here, £0.50 £1, & we both have exactly £100 behind.
We have no info on Villain.
We (Hero) have As-7s, & we bet £3. BB Calls.
Flop Qd-Qs-5c
We Bet £3 (comment?), BB Calls £3.
Turn 2s, so it's now....
We now Bet £8, & BB Calls again......
River - Ks
So, it's Qd-Qs-5c-2s-Ks
So we Bet £20 now, but then.......BB shoves All-In for about £86!
Do we....
Remember, it's not so much WHAt we do, as WHY.
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Also the way the hand was played, hitting runner runner to make a flush, theres no way this guy can put us on the flush, and especially heads up, hes not gonna be worried about it. - He will re raise here with a queen, also its a good board for HIM to represent the flush too, flatting all the way, then the big bluff card comes, he could be making the move.
More than likely he has the queen, although he shud be raising the turn with a queen, flatting the flop is fine, as the bet was tiny, and
If he has queen king - tough luck.
Call asap, only thing that wud stop me is mi connection going! - wudn't be the first time.
Check back flop, we have backdoor equity and with no read's given, we cant expect villain to call /w K high or fold 22, and we have epic showdown value on a dry board thats going to get to showdwon cheaply quite alot.
Nut flush HU is a big hand. He does not have to have the house. He probably only has trip queens and thinks it is still good. However, he may also have hit a flush because we have been pricing him in with our small ish bets.
If this player has trips he calls the 20 on the river, no way does this guy push all in over the top with trips unless he's a complete donkey, This is either a huge bluff or we're dead.
In The words of KGB 'I don't have the spades Mike'
I think he has trips and possibly AQ as he was calling the first 2 streets probably 99% certain he is ahead, Also it looks like the correct play for C-betting both streets therefore the big re-raise on the river is to try scare us off.
After the the bet on the flop I would have checked the turn to see where i was ....anyways , the key here is pre-flop ..villain called the opening bet of 3pound , so the possibility with him smooth calling and you not checking to find out where you are leaves you vulnerable to any hand and any bet on the river ... and KQ is a big possibility along with 55 22 KK being hands he could and would have smoothed called along with your pre flop , flop and turn bets, not to mention he could be holding QQ !
So many players now use the 'C' bet "Continuation bet", however this hand is a good example of how it can get you into trouble .. checking may look weak but it's a way of getting your best knowledge on what the villain is up to... betting gets an answer but 3 bets 2 smooth calls and a push all-in after the river tells me I played the hand wrong .. if he's bluffing then so be it .. but likely he has the goods .. If I fold to the all-in Ive played the hand right in the end
However ,I've been wrong before !!
Hmmm...another teaser.
HU, I really can't see anything other than a call. Preflop action means nothing, he could have any 2. Post flop narrows his range slightly, but again I feel he could just be floating us as we're not likely to have a Q and he probably has outs if he has 2 cards higher than a 5.
The turn call makes me re-assess his range to 2 spade hands, the occasional Q slowplaying and maybe something like A-5. We're showing the aggression so far so nothing wrong with our play here. I'm not really worried about a Q in oppo's hand as I would expect them to raise here because of the flush draw.
The river is a gin card for us. We have the nut flush and all we are behind to is 55/22/QQ/KQ/Q5 and Q2, whereas we beat all other Q hands and all other 2 spade hands, which we have narrowed him down to...or the occasional air.
I'm rambling here but to sum it up: Call because more often than not he doesn't have a house, he's more likely to have trips or a lower flush.
of the hands he is shoving here, worse flushes, hands with just a queen, and total air, of course there is KQ raggy queens that house up we are ahead of the majority though so this is a good call most of the time,
you might also expect a 3 bet pre with KK KQ 55.