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Off work for christmas? Spare a thought
Just finished work for Christmas, have to return on the 4th so should be a good 2 weeks. However can we all spare a thought for the people who have to work over the festive period, doctors,nurses, and all the men and women serving with the forces abroad. Has anyone got anymore professions we should all be grateful for working the holidays?
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Most important meal of the day.
Along with doctors and nurses id like to include porters and catering staff that have to work the holiday period aswell (i was catering supervisor and worked christmas day 6 years on a trot).
cheeky! have i not replied to one of your questions!!!?
No need to be sorry and thanks for replying so quickly
will spare you a thoguht over christmas now lol
They are hated at the best of times, but still have to trudge through the snow to get abuse and throughly peed off at everyone enjoying the festive period.
On a serious note, all the servicemen across the world who are away from loved ones.
'ard life innit.