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WBA v Villa Monday 25th November

edited February 2014 in The Football Corner
Posts: 473
First: 12/3/2011
Last: 25/11/2013
Walking along, singing a song, sh***ing on the city as we goooooo.....
Birmingham are you listening, to the song were singing, we're walking along, singing a song, sh***ing on the city as we go!!!!!
Tonight WBA 1 v 2 Aston villa
Up the villa!!!
Villa till I die!!!!
Villa to win @13/5 @skybet is great value!
Also villa win 2-1 @11/1, lump on!!!


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    edited November 2013
    In Response to WBA v Villa Monday 25th November:
    macapaca Posts: 473 First: 12/3/2011 Last: 25/11/2013 Walking along, singing a song, sh***ing on the city as we goooooo..... Birmingham are you listening, to the song were singing, we're walking along, singing a song, sh***ing on the city as we go!!!!! Tonight WBA 1 v 2 Aston villa Up the villa!!! Villa till I die!!!! Villa to win @13/5 @skybet is great value! Also villa win 2-1 @11/1, lump on!!!
    Posted by macapaca

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    edited November 2013
    i hope your right, as big villa fan myself, just hope we dont blow a 2 goal lead again, benteke being passed fit a big plus for us.

    Should be a cracker!!!

    gl if having a bet tho
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