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Going to go through my thorugh process on the hand it worked this time i think it is correct but wouldnt mind a few more opinions.
I call pre getting great odds on the minriase looking to set mine and see a dry board. It gets raised again not loving it but peel cos im a noob.
On the flop i miss my set but flop 2 pair if we can presume 3better has high pp somebody will be on a fd board is reasonbly dry otherwise our 2 pair may be good alot and we have house outs and blockers to sets so is the effective shove ok?
Feel free to slate im not sure what im doing on the moaha tables alot of the time.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancejams88Small blind £0.20£0.20£32.47frankyBig blind £0.20£0.40£18.07 Your hole cards323J Pablo395Raise £0.40£0.80£25.73pigeon1001Call £0.40£1.20£23.21who_meCall £0.40£1.60£28.33jams88Call £0.20£1.80£32.27frankyRaise £1.20£3.00£16.87Pablo395Call £1.00£4.00£24.73pigeon1001Call £1.00£5.00£22.21who_meCall £1.00£6.00£27.33jams88Call £1.00£7.00£31.27Flop 6J2 jams88Check frankyBet £3.50£10.50£13.37Pablo395Fold pigeon1001Call £3.50£14.00£18.71who_meFold jams88Raise £21.00£35.00£10.27frankyFold pigeon1001Fold jams88Muck jams88Win £16.62 £26.89jams88Return £17.50£0.88£44.39
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Nice and easy the advice on this hand.
Of your 6 possible starting hands you only have one realistic nut drawing combo. This makes this an incredibly weak holding. Also position is more important than anything and you are in the worst possible.
So when the action gets to you after a min rasie then you should fold. When it gets back to you after the 3-bet you should also fold. Calling these bets with that hand is just throwing away money.
A 2 pair holding is very weak post flop, even if it is top 2. You have top and bottom which is not great at all. Remember that you are thinking about house out for you, but remember that on that board an overpair has 5 outs to overtake you. Also the board is not as dry as you think because aprt from the fd there is also a possible wrap there as well with someone holding 345. Spotting potential wraps is an important part of the game when you are looking for outs for yourself or cards to avoid for others.
Your move on the flop is marginal at best. Any holding that can go with you on that board has you in a world of hurt. Luckily for you the result was as good as it could be and they all folded. But on the whole i think you made a lot of basic mistakes all the way through the hand.
Calling looking to flop what will more than likely be bottom set not a good long term winning strategy IMHO.
The big raise on the flop shows some intestinal fortitude though and this will stand you in good stead playing this most swingy of variants.
Good luck
As a point of intrest if we got into a similar situation (say we got there with a more conventional holding) we are oop in a 3bet pot and manage to flop 2pair if we presume the 1 villian we were against is 3betting high pp with straightening cards around the pair (is there an easier way of saying that?) would we be happy x/raising this kind of board in that situation
Grateful for you guys taking the time to write the replies thanks
Firstly i obviously didnt emphasise enough how bad your hand was. You have one playable hand and it draws to bottom set or underhouses. These are hands that will cost you lots when you hit. Small pairs in your starting hand are lethal in omaha.They should be avoided unless you have other things alongside them.
Next. The 3-bet preflop. It all depends on the knowledge and abilities of the player. The better they are the less likely to be able to put them on just a big pp. 89TJ ds is a really good 3-betting hand. You should only be 3-betting big pp preflop when you have back up with it. Like AAKJ ds.
As far as a conventional holding is concerned the best thing to do is to limit yourself to only playing hands that have 3 or more nut drawing hands in them without having too many of your own outs in your hand.
2 pair is a weak holding and needs to be played with caution. Just because you have 2 pair does not preclude the possibilities of sets. I would play them fast if i had 2 pair and a draw but not the bare 2 pair
Let us consider the hand TJQK . We have hands of TJ TQ TK JQ JK and QK. All 6 hands are nut drawing. But when we put in a dangler for TJQ2 then we have TJ TQ and JQ giving us only 3. So 1 card that doesnt work with the others takes away half of our hands. This is why we should avoid any hand that has a dangler in it. Giving away half of our hands is never good. The simple rule to follow is quantity over quality of nut drawing hands. The more you have the more chance you have of hitting the board. A hand like AA92 rainbow may look pretty but with only the 1 nut drawing hand it is very weak and vulnerable.