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As many of you know, the £1,000 UKIPS Six Max is currrently taking place @ DTD in Nottingham, & there are three x Day Ones.
Yesterday was the 2nd of these, & it was one of THE most star-studded fields ever assembled in the UK for such an event, with big names galore.
The Day 1b Chip Leader, with 156,000, was none other than David Price. I'm pretty sure that he is a Sky Poker & SPT regular, David Price. If I've got the right chap, he's a smashing lad, too. I think he plays as "Diamond81" on Sky Poker.
He has a rest day today, then returns for Day 2 tomorrow (Saturday), then, hopefully, Day Three on Sunday, & the Final on Monday.
His progress can be followed in the usual places, & either I, or any other Sky Poker regulars who are following the action, will try & keep you updated on this thread.
Get it done Dave, & fly the flag.

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Good morning.
This seemed a long time ago, but Day 2 only played out yesterday, & it was one of the strongest Day Two Fields I've ever seen in the UK.
David went about his work nice & queitly all day, & is still there.
Of the 453 (I think) runners, just 31 survived Day Two, & all of them are guaranteed a minimum of £2,800, with the winner getting a nice round £100,000.
David has a very playable 201,000, with blinds at 3,000-6,000 when play resumes today.
They play down to a Final today, then the Final is tomorrow, Monday.
Taken from elsewhere, but with permission, here are the current stacks, & payouts. Some seriously good players here.......
Christopher Brammer United Kingdom PokerStars Qualifier 646000
Tim Hong Wong Malaysia 623000
Tony Salmon United Kingdom 537000
Sergio Aido Espina Spain 511000
Abhishek Khaitan India 493000
John Eames United Kingdom PokerStars Player 388000
Joe Laming United Kingdom 383000
Viktor Leonov Lithuania 355000
Colin Tang United Kingdom 327000
Ben Vinson United Kingdom 317000
Adam Forsyth United Kingdom 313000
Richard Lawlor Ireland PokerStars Qualifier 310000
Robert Sherwood United Kingdom 307000
Ben Mayhew United Kingdom PokerStars Player 305000
James Sykes United Kingdom 281000
Simon Deadman United Kingdom PokerStars Player 275000
David Jones United Kingdom PokerStars Player 258000
Emmett Mullin Ireland 238000
Nicholas Gavriel United Kingdom PokerStars Player 235000
David Price United Kingdom PokerStars Qualifier 201000
Rupinder Bedi United Kingdom PokerStars Qualifier 196000
David Clifton-Burraway United Kingdom PokerStars Qualifier 194000
Charles Akadiri United Kingdom PokerStars Player 188000
Ganesh Jayaraman United Kingdom 185000
John Stokes Ireland PokerStars Player 185000
Daniel Lukacs Hungary PokerStars Player 129000
Nigel Pemberton United Kingdom 125000
Brendan Keenan Ireland PokerStars Player 120000
Sarbjit Kular United Kingdom 104000
Ben Spraggons United Kingdom PokerStars Qualifier 77000
Iason Riziotis United Kingdom 77000
1st £100,000
2nd £60,450
3rd £43,200
4th £34,000
5th £26,750
6th £20,700
7th £15,500
8th £10,700
9th £8,400
10th-11th: £7,150
12th-13th: £6,100
14th-15th: £5,300
16th-17th: £4,700
18th-20th: £4,200
21st-23rd: £3,700
24th-29th: £3,200
30th-35th: £2.800
Play resumes @ Noon, & if possible, I'll try & keep you updated, but I am doing the Show tonight, so I won't be able to follow it much beyond mid-afternoon.
Perhsps other regulars will keep us updated, if the David Price Express remains on the tracks.
From me, & I'm sure most of us here, well done for getting so far, David, & let's hope for a bit of run good today.
David's starting Table Draw today......
23 2 Ben Spraggons United Kingdom PokerStars Qualifier 77000
23 3 David Price United Kingdom PokerStars Qualifier 201000
23 4 David Jones United Kingdom PokerStars Player 258000
23 5 Tony Salmon United Kingdom 537000
23 6 John Stokes Ireland PokerStars Player 185000
There have been three exits so far, so David has now locked up £3,200 minimum.
SPT Rich has sorted a photo for us, unfortunately, flash photography is banned, so it's a bit dark.
To use Rich's very words....
Shine Bright like a Diamond. Or Shine Dull without the right lighting
26 remain, next money ladder is at 23rd.
22 remain, & so David now has £3,700 minimum locked up.
I'm indebted to SPT Rich for these Updates elsewhere.
Exits so far today are....
23 Robert Sherwood
24 John Stokes
25 Rupinder Bedi
26 Emmett Mullin
27 Nicholas Gavriel
28 David Jones
29 Sarbjit Kular
30 Daniel Lukacs
31 Brendan Keenan
I need to depart for a few hours now, need a pre-Show kip, then get on my bike to go to work, so I hope someone will keep the Updates going.
Thanks Tommy. Latest position with 21 remaining is......
Table 11
11, 1 Abhishek Khaitan 520,000
11 , 2 , David Clifton-burraway 500,000
11 , 3 , Colin Tang 380,000
11 , 4 , Adam Forsyth 525,000
11 , 6 , David Price 425,000
Table 12
12 , 2 , Iason Riziotis 300,000
12 , 3 , James Sykes 200,000
12 , 4 , Ben Vinson 580,000
12 , 5 , Simon Deadman 170,000
Table 13
13 , 2 , Sergio Aido Espina 1,050,000
13 , 3 , Richard Lawlor 390,000
13 , 4 , Nigel Pemberton 220,000
13 , 5 , Ben Mayhew 260,000
13 , 6 , Tony Salmon 720,000
Table 14
14 , 1 , Ganesh Jayaraman 340,000
14 , 2 , Viktor Leonov 290,000
14 , 3 , Joe Laming 570,000
14 , 4 , Tim Hong Wong 600,000
14 , 5 , Christopher Brammer 700,000
14 , 6 , Ben Spraggons 170,000
Over & out from me for a while.
Plese feel free to lift Updates from next door, permission has been given.
Good Luck Dave.
Simon Deadman out in 20th, getting his short stack in, binking and being rebinked. Again, this helps everyone, the man is a beast and yet another deep run. I think I will be repeating myself regarding the praise for the busted, this field is insane and further testament to how well Dave has and is doing.
With permission from the lovely End of Tight next door.
Seat redraw
11 2 Sergio Aido Espina Spain
11 3 Tim Hong Wong Malaysia
11 5 Joe Laming United Kingdom
11 4 Viktor Leonov Lithuania
11 1 Ben Mayhew United Kingdom PokerStars Player
12 4 Ganesh Jayaraman United Kingdom
12 3 Adam Forsyth United Kingdom
12 2 James Sykes United Kingdom
12 5 Richard Lawlor Ireland PokerStars Qualifier
12 6 Ben Spraggons United Kingdom PokerStars Qualifier
12 1 Nigel Pemberton United Kingdom
13 4 Tony Salmon United Kingdom
13 5 David Clifton-Burraway United Kingdom PokerStars Qualifier
13 3 Abhishek Khaitan India
13 1 Christopher Brammer United Kingdom PokerStars Qualifier
13 2 Ben Vinson United Kingdom
13 6 David Price United Kingdom PokerStars Qualifier
Spraggons knocked out by Sykes to finish 15th. That's like the bit in Power Rangers where two scary monsters merge to form a super scary monster.
11 1 Ganesh Jayaraman
11 2 David Clifton-burraway
11 3 Adam Forsyth
11 4 Tony Salmon
11 5 Christopher Brammer
11 6 James Sykes
13 1 David Price
13 2 Ben Vinson
13 3 Richard Lawlor
13 4 Ben Mayhew
13 5 Tim Hong Wong
13 6 Sergio Aido Espina
David Price has been quiet for an hour or so and had blinded down to 350,000 until
He opened in the cut off
Vinson 3 bet the button
Price shoved
price J-J
Vinson K-Qo
J in the door for Price to double up to a 770,000 average stack
Always nice when the Jack pops out first. David now is out of Da Danger ZONE!!! and has material to work with.