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OK here's the set up. Its a very tight bubble of a £22 DYM. No lary shoving or aggressive plays. I'm in the BB with AK. Is this call automatic or would you like to have ur chips in first on the bubble? I dont think its copied properly but all 4 of us have very similar stacks.
2390btSmall blind 100.00100.001985.00phil12ukBig blind 200.00300.002720.00 Your hole cardsAK Spew2MeFold manny49All-in 2885.003185.000.002390btFold
0 ·
Idk, seems close ot me, but i'm by no means well learned on DYM's
Speaking as someone who used to play nothing but sng's, there is nothing more important than getting your money in first. (gap concept) When i played them, i would rather shove with 45 than call with aj
In case you are looking at this and thinking this guy is mad. If i shove my opponent with 45 they would need a hand in the top 10-15% to call, which more often than not they wont have. Secondly if i get called by a hand like ak I'm still only 60-40 behind. Therefore on the few occasions i do get called (1 in 6) i'm still gonna win the hand 4 out of 10 times. It's a pos ev play.
P.S this doesn't mean you should start shoving with 45 in the first level of a sng, the above is aimed at the later stages of sng's when the blinds are atleast 100-200 and you have less than 10 bb
Lad went all in 8k, folds to me and i insta call with 4k.
He shows K10 suited
Board 2 9 5 J Q.
Another runner runner against me
So were saying at this point were better than 63% to cash. I could probably agree with that if they're playing tight and we start shipping lighter.
I have to agree with previous posts, i'd hate myself for it but i'd probably fold and wait for a spot where i could get my money in first and force them into a decision for their chips.
However this situation depends on the previous on the table - if he has been playing loose I'm calling but if he has been tight I would let it go.
In genaral i'd say its a fold.
The whole concept of sit and goes is (ICM).
First of all when calling you need to know if you,re getting a +EV or -EV.
If calling is commiting more then 10 bb's in any icm calculator it is advised against.
If the person shoving holds a pocket pair they're roughly a 54% favourite.
So the 2 factors that need adressing are how many blinds did you have and
what kind of opponent was shoving.
If he shoves with 33% of his hands you're getting slight +EV to call witch means in the long run
if you make the call against that hand range you're gonna make money.
But personally from what you say i'd say it's a fold.
In answer to your initial question, it's not an insta call. when we hit the bubble on DYM I think's it's so important to be the raiser rather than the caller, you get so much more to be folded than usual if the stacks are close. I just favour the fold but I'm sure I've made that call in the past and will probably do so again.