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Soooooo anyway, I am playing the 10K BH and have this player at our table that is just calling with anything and I mean ANYTHING 32 off 27 off the works.
Obviously I adjust my play accordingly, even the other guys at the table were in the chat saying things like 'what can I do to beat this person' as they seem to hit almost all the time.
I get dealt AA, this person limps again for 80, I raise 6BB and all fold to said person, they call it. So I am guessing OK must have something strong this time, flop comes 322 rainbow, I bet 1000, they shove so I call, they show K2!! And I bust out, why do some people play poker like they are simple gambling!
Sorry guys I know it's not a bad beat or anything, but this player was shoving with anything and everything and I thought they were bluffing it, I know you'll all say it was my own fault but it so frustrating losing to a player like that.
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