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Ever get that feeling on this site that you will lose no matter what?
I was in a DYM earlier and had that feeling that "I" only get with Skypoker, the feeling no matter what I will not win. Infact I even typed in the chat box that I WILL lose. I suspect most of you have been there, the feeling your AA pre flop is not strong, your trip 8's will definately get beaten on the river..
For me I only get this feeling on Sky, but sometimes on Sky I also get the UNBEATABLE feeling, like when someone goes all in and you know you can call with 10-2 and it does indeed end up as 10,10,10,2,2 FULLHOUSE.
Tonight I had "that feeling" in a £5 DYM when I held KK and after the river card was dropped I was the loser and the 2 callers had straights to the Jack. I'm not saying Sky fixed (thats to prevent all the cry babies and there ohhhh a nother fixed thread)
I'm just saying it seems to be exclusive to Sky for me personally, I have never had that I WILL LOSE NO MATTER WHAT feeling anywhere else.
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Whats the problem? I don't see a problem lol, I will keep my deposits/stakes affordable so it will never be a problem. Ignore me and concetrate on the topic, or ignore the topic.
Oh yeah, Bad sex is bad sex, but a good poop.............well its win win.
An how did you feel after the poop? was a good clean exit? or did it leave a mess that used far too much loo roll in these increasingly tough times?
This is a open unbiased post, letting it brew will help skypoker's "Murdoch" controlling image. Just relax Skyppoker...its all good.
Go over to a certain other site and see the abuse they get and allow, if you have nothing to hide then you don't need to hide this......YA GET ME.
You said you only get that feeling on sky, not on any other site, so therefore, what is it that ignites that feeling? Also whilst you're at it, google 'sarcasm'.
Oh and Vicki, I'm glad your husband has a head full of hair - I get the 'feeling' he must be lacking in another department which is why you're on here ranting!
guys it's happens to everyone including the top players just move on
Thread closed imo
when I called an all in with my set on the flop and he showed top pair the minute the turn give him 2 pair I was expecting him to win and he did.
why not close negative brags altogether?
poker might well have skill but that is stopped once every chip has gone in from that moment it is total luck.
1st class p ricks posting to a woman like that.