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I wish I had saved this hand to show as I've been pondering this for the last couple of days.
The scenario. We are down to 131 players left (72 paid) and I have 11k chips at the 300/600 level. Ive been fairly solid but not had many hands or situtions to get my chips in. Im UTG+1 and have K10s and min raise. It folds to the 62k stacked BB who 3 bets to 2700. The opponent had 3 bet a few times the last 3/4 orbits and took the pot each time.
At the time I felt I had no fold equity and that he had sized this bet to leave me the oppertunity to shove allin. I'm trying not to be results orientated but I think i should have folded because I just felt he was always going to call and I still had the chance to wait and shove allin first another hand.
What he had is irelevant but I think my K10s plays very bad to his 3 bet range. I expect him to have KQ, any suited A, A9o+ and 77+ I actually think his PP range is tighter as he may just reshove over me with any PP.
I called knowing I was effectively gambling and not like me but my reason to call was I wanted to gain a stack and not try and just min cash. The fact I went out is not what i'm bothered about i'm just asking, am I right that this is a fold or once i've raised am I committed to that course of action? The only thing I know I did right was not call!
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The other thing I would suggest, when you get to this stage, don't open KTs utg when you have someone in the bb who is loose aggro, you're asking for trouble. At this stage, tighten up in early position and use position to your advantage.