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And you thought the horsemeat scandal was bad....


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    edited January 2014
    They made an a ss of themselves on this one!
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    edited January 2014
    I understand that this is a controversial opinion, but I surprised everyone got so hyped up about the horse meat scandal .. I mean, certain sales of meat are so cheap now-a-days, did they think it was actually as advertised? Surely based on price you'd kind of figure it's generic meat and not specifically chicken. Like Kebab's for instance, I don't think anyone believes that's real meat ..

    Additionally, I can't say I care if it's horse, rat or dog TBH - as long as it tastes nice - but that's just me :p
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    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: And you thought the horsemeat scandal was bad....:
    I understand that this is a controversial opinion, but I surprised everyone got so hyped up about the horse meat scandal .. I mean, certain sales of meat are so cheap now-a-days, did they think it was actually as advertised? Surely based on price you'd kind of figure it's generic meat and not specifically chicken. Like Kebab's for instance, I don't think anyone believes that's real meat .. Additionally, I can't say I care if it's horse, rat or dog TBH - as long as it tastes nice - but that's just me :p
    Posted by peter27
    I think the main issue was about false advertising.
    Saying something is 100% beef then finding out its got something else in it.
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    edited January 2014
     Cant beat a donka kebab !
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