Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
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I was tempted to write a speech, a poem or maybe a little ditty..
But then I remembered that this one is essentially just for fun.
The last battle remains but the war is won.
I personally have gleaned immense enjoyment from railing/heckling (and having my chips nicked by) everyone that has gotten involved in this and I know that tonight will not disappoint.
So Mighty Tikayers and most honorable Orfordites...
Ready your best team banter and poker faces... and...
... and more importantly, let's ENJOY it.
(Ps TEAM TIKAY.. Failure is NOT an option!!)
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Need Input
let battle comense and let the fires burn....
We will lead our Lord to the final victory with our heads held high.
With our last hand we will protect the mighty lord.
We Will Not Flop - We Will Not Turn - We Will Not Cry a River - Victory is Ours.
With our last chip we will stand in the shadows of our foe and ROAR - ALL IN
Onward Fellow Orfordites with all your might and Lead our Great Lord to the final Victory
Take Down There Leader and his Followers Will Fall.
That's beautiful PP