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Qualified for the UKPC for £2.60, now im bricking it!!
Hi guys,
This is my first post on here. I have played poker for a few years, mixture of online and games with friends. recently I managed to qualify for the UKPC in February all the way from £2.60 sat!! chuffed to bits with this but I cant help but feel a little intimidated. I would say I am a fair poker player but I have never done anything on this scale and I have very limited casino style live play experience. Just wondering if anyone has any advice for me, or if anyone is in the same boat. Of course I'm excited and I'm going to give it my all. but at the same time any advice that could stop me looking like an absolute Noob would be appreciated. Thanks 
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why do u feel intimidated just play your game
u basically got in from a freeroll u should be loving it alot of players are gonna pay the £1100 buy in so more pressure is on these guys to do well as its alot of cash just enjoy the experience go with ya gut instinct
dont ever ever think ya gonna get bullied on the tables and if ya in a hand and u think ya ahead go with ya gut dnt just dwindle ya stack away all i can say really bets of luck
play down a casino or in a local pub just so u get the feel of a live game
Jac is spot on.
Also, don’t over estimate the level of players you will play against. Just because it is a big buyin doesn’t mean they are all world class players. There will be good players but there will also be normal and v poor players. Try not to build up the level of competition in your head too much.
Well done and good luck
1st hour or 2 dnt play to many hands unless there premium hands just suss the table out try n get reads on people when ya not in a hand just keep an eye out on players tells n stuff when hands get to showdown
Jac is spot on. Also, don’t over estimate the level of players you will play against. Just because it is a big buyin doesn’t mean they are all world class players. There will be good players but there will also be normal and v poor players. Try not to build up the level of competition in your head too much. Well done and good luck
Posted by AJ_Rockets
A £1,100 seat, & the chance to win over £100,000, all for £2.60? Incredible!
You'll be just fine, I promise.
If you are short of Live Poker experience, or are nervous, come see me when you arrive, & I'll introduce you to to a few of the Sky Poker regulars who will soon get you sorted.
What part of the country do you reside in? Not the town necessarily, but what general area?
Overwhelming response, some really great advice. Thank you all so much for taking the time to reply and welcoming me to the forum. After reading all these I really do just feel excited now
Will definitely be taking you up on that offer, think just talking to someone there will do a world of good. I live in Lancashire, not far away from Manchester. Seriously blown away by how nice everyone is on here!
Most of us haven't played games at this level of buy-in, but it's the same game as at any other. You get two cards, and a flush still beats a straight.
If you see me there, it's a Jack Daniels and lemonade
Enjoy it and good luck.. I cant give you any advise as id be in exactly the same position as you if I was lucky enough to get there (which I doubt will ever happen).. let us know how you do :-) A great story good luck again..
But rather than being intimidated you should be invigorated!
Qualifying from £2.60 is just as much an achievement as running well in the UkPC.
You've proven you can compete and succeed with the best Sky has to offer.
When it comes to your big days in February you should be fearless.
All you have to lose is £2.60 when most have paid £1,100 to play.
my only advice would be to keep a low profile in the early stages and once you've become accustomed to the surroundings, settle in and play your own game. Its got you half the way, who knows how far it will take you?
Good luck and if nothing else, enjoy the experience!
Your bragging rights alone should keep you going well into 2014
One thing I will tell you is to sit nice & quiet for the first few orbits, & watch tricks, to get the feel of who is doing what.
It's no bad thing to day hello to the players at the table, (including the Dealer) & especially the players to your immediate left & right. Make friends with those two if you can, & you might face less aggro from them when in the blinds, & besides, you'll enjoy the whole experience more if it is a bit chatty.
You'd be surprised what difference a ready smile makes, too. Everyone loves cheerful prople.
You'll be just fine, I promise, it'll be the greatest experience of your poker journey.