Hardly played again last cpl of days due to playing everynight live at the moment. well not everynight but currently playing 4-5 nights a week so will update tommorow Had a little sessh when i got in last night after being knocked out early in nuts leaugue
Tilted on NL4 against someone else who was on tilt
When i started this diary i was playing 1 night a week live , maybe 2 , but been playing more and realised earlier i,m playing every night this week from Mon - Fiday and am currently in 3 leaugues, but once they finish i think i,ll have to cut it down a bit.
Got a tip off one of the best tournament players on here and he says the biggest way he improved his game was to just play as many hands as possible , which obviously is not possible playing live, but i,ll try and strike a balance after the leugues i,m in have finished
Another 2 days - another 2 days w/o online poker - played live in nuts leaugue last night and despite going to the FT og from 20 with half the chips and low blinds manage to capitaulate once again and got far to over aggro bluffing on 9 and 7 high for big pots - bublled
A bit dissapointed last night as i thought i ,d signed up for the £500 FR, but can,t of done as i wasn,t regd
BR £352.27 PTS 241
Just flopped a royal - got abit to greedy at the end with it tho
mo4re importantly i,m 3rd of 14 on another site with 177 started ( $8 buy in) EDIT 2nd of 13 now (got 4th for $96 dollars and that was after 2 or 3 bad bts toward the end)
27 Nov '12 at 01:20PokerBanff£5.44£0.00InternetHand History 26 Nov '12 at 23:57PokerBluewell£-0.01£0.00InternetHand History 26 Nov '12 at 22:42PokerCharlton£0.33£0.00InternetHand History 26 Nov '12 at 22:42PokerWatchet£-0.39£0.00InternetHand History 26 Nov '12 at 22:38Poker£200 Gtd (15 mins)£-5.50£0.00InternetHand History
Quite a different month to last month as you can tell by the pts earned. Playing again live tonight and with my local pub final on 12th December i need to make the top ten and i,m currently 9th but there are lot of ppl around me with similar pts so i will be there every Wednesday and Friday night for both games until the Final.
I think were up to the 9th week tonight from 13 weeks in the Nuts leaugue and i,m currently 3rd so will continue to play every week until that finishes.
After this i will playing a lot more online again
Although its not quite the end of the month i still havent qualifies for the Luton SPT due to not playing enough satelites which was my main aim for this month. Still time and i,ll be going fo it over the weekend
Slipped to 4th of 68 so need a result tonight (Nuts leauge)
Decided to go bk to NL4 tonight and maybe the odd satelite
EDIT : didn,t quite go to plan
After looking over thread it seems my best results are coming from PLO and as i won £7.50 on another site in a FR i noticed some $5 dollar PLO DYM,s so played them and ended up winning 8/10. Its just a shame you cant play for $10 at this format
Did get to play 1 game on Sky
27 Nov '12 at 23:49PokerDouble Your Money£4.50£0.00InternetHand History
BR £356.64 PTS 258 (No c4p for me this month) but my main aim was to qualify for Luton but with 3 more night of live poker coming up its looking a bit tricky
Day 73 BR £356.64 Just going through a little period to try and get motivated again. Tried a cpl of £5.50 SPT sats but both got canceled due to numbers Of to play in the Redtooth leaugue now and got another busy week playing live , but after my local pub final (if i make it) on December 12th , that will free up 2 more nights to play online. If i do really well on Wednesday i could secure my place then but i,m currently in 10th but theres only a few pts seperating 8th -12th Did a bit of reading of my 1 hand at atime earlier and thats going to my main aim for this month esp after getting a cpl more books from wynne1938 and just try and make some improvements for the new year Posted by MP33
Not posted in last few dasy as its hard when losing,
But in 1st game tonight £5 +£1 pub game shudda won it when i was HU - I was about 8-1 up with my A9 vs 89 AIPF HU_ but I got hit by a river for a str8. then JJ got bt by Q 10 off AIPF and we eventually decided to split as we had about even for £45 each (small brag i spose)
Didn,t play the second game as i wanted a cpl of m8,s to reach the final and that split had just gtd my final place on Wednesday after 3 months which is effeftively a £50 buy in - 10 player STT for free
Happy days are back and will update on pub final
As for online - slwoly getting there - will update soon but enjoying live play as well
Ps - Nuts leaugue on hold due to miss -undertsanding rules of qualification to regionals Redtooth - Plodding along
(aslo on a Thursday night there is a site that runs a 10 euro game and win or lose you get 10 eruro to spend on sports - can,t be bad )
EDIT : On a sadder note (1hr later) played a £5 DYM and although i cashed had to report 2 players for collusion. its only the 2nd time i,ve done it . but when it gets to the middle -latter stages and dwon to 5 , someone hitting a set on flop and FH on turn and checking all the way after the SB had put some money in and then neither of them playing a hand or making even a single bet against each other stunk of collusion, but i,ll update if hear anything back from CS)
Just going through a little period to try and get motivated again. Tried a cpl of £5.50 SPT sats but both got canceled due to numbers
Of to play in the Redtooth leaugue now and got another busy week playing live , but after my local pub final (if i make it) on December 12th , that will free up 2 more nights to play online. If i do really well on Wednesday i could secure my place then but i,m currently in 10th but theres only a few pts seperating 8th -12th
Did a bit of reading of my 1 hand at atime earlier and thats going to my main aim for this month esp after getting a cpl more books from wynne1938 and just try and make some improvements for the new year
Not a gr8 start to the month but i was a bit worse for wear
01 Dec '12 at 05:46
Double Your Money
BR £355.64 PTS 10 - £11 (for month)
My only aim is to finish the month in profit, try some more Omaha games and keep enjoying it
Probably won,t be going to mad for the Santas Freeroll on 23rd as i,ll doubt i,ll get 2k pts and will be away although an IPAD would be nice
Another aim is to make my local pub final on december 12th - Only 4 games left and i,m hanging on to last spot by the skin of my teeth in 10th . I finished 11th last time and don,t want a repeat. Also the Nuts league will finish this month so a top 3 would be gr8 to qualify for regionals although top ten qualify as well for some other regionals
10 players - 8k chips - 15 min blinds and £20 for best hand of the night with the other table with ppl who finished 11 th =20th in leaugue and jolly good buffet
Whats not to love
1/ £200 2/ £100 3/ £50 4/ 30 5/20
+£20 for best hand over 2 tables
Bad start by rasing to 350 OOP with A 9 on 1st hand and trying to get someone off by losing nearly 2k.
I,d alredady told myself i was raising the 1st hand of the game even on 72 as i knew it would get a round of applause as i,m known for bluffing all the time even though i play differently on line. In the pub i,m raising everything and picking up blind steals all the time. Luckily tonight i had about 7th choice of seat number i chose 8 in a flash. I was at the right hand of the 2 tightest players on the table - result - and knew they were always easy blind steals and thats wher a lot of my chips were got as i went on to win it for and picked along quad 6,s on the way for best hand- £220 - minus a few drinks and a V.good night
And still nothing to report online asi haven,t been playing. Played a cpl of small games ther other night w/o success, and can.t play tonight due to my local pub final - 10 players - Jst short of £500 in the pot so hopefully i can play as well as i did last Friday night and take it down
Regarding the above post about collusion - i received a quite detailed email from Sky saying they had looked into it and won,t be taking it any further. The information they gave me was enough to suggest they had looked into it properly and i have to admit on this occasion it looks like i was wrong
Ps - Will update BR soon but gotta go now and play this final
Day - Don,t know - Pub Final 10 players - 8k chips - 15 min blinds and £20 for best hand of the night with the other table with ppl who finished 11 th =20th in leaugue and jolly good buffet Whats not to love 1/ £200 2/ £100 3/ £50 4/ 30 5/20 +£20 for best hand over 2 tables Bad start by rasing to 350 OOP with A 9 on 1st hand and trying to get someone off by losing nearly 2k. I,d alredady told myself i was raising the 1st hand of the game even on 72 as i knew it would get a round of applause as i,m known for bluffing all the time even though i play differently on line. In the pub i,m raising everything and picking up blind steals all the time. Luckily tonight i had about 7th choice of seat number i chose 8 in a flash. I was at the right hand of the 2 tightest players on the table - result - and knew they were always easy blind steals and thats wher a lot of my chips were got as i went on to win it for and picked along quad 6,s on the way for best hand- £220 - minus a few drinks and a V.good night +nephews and neices xmas comin up Posted by MP33
In Response to Re: Low Stakes Diary Thread ( £40 BR ) - in the Shed : Nice result Paul, wd. Posted by MAXALLY
Cheers m8
Seems like ages since ive played on here. Been playing a few $5 and $10 dollar PLO DYM,s elsewhere and have a good record after about 40 games (enough to suggest i should carry on with them and now as most of the leagues are finishing for xmas i should be able to play a bit more online)
Also got "The mental game of poker on its way" and been reading 1 HAAT volume 2 quite a bit which should stand be in good stead for MTT,s in latter stages (if i get there)
Anyway - just had half an hour back on the 5p action tables . Missed them and hope to play more soon
EDIT : couldnt sleep so played on for abit. I wouldn,t normally play a £10 game but with 4 losing players regd in a 6 max STT it made sense and to cut a long story short after going out in 3rd on the bubble but can,t complain as i got it in good 2x and just suffered bad bts
Played a bit of cash and a cpl more games - lost a cpl of quid i reckon but not much : (I,ll add it up after nxt session) (its now 6.32am)
17 Dec '12 at 04:35PokerBanff£7.22£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History 17 Dec '12 at 04:33PokerCawston£1.89£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History 17 Dec '12 at 04:23PokerDouble Your Money£0.00£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History 17 Dec '12 at 03:38PokerDouble Your Money£1.75£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History 17 Dec '12 at 02:48Poker£10 + £1£-11.00£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History 17 Dec '12 at 02:16PokerDouble Your Money£2.70£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History 17 Dec '12 at 02:08Poker£150 Gtd (30 mins)£-5.50£0.00InternetHand History
Hardly played again last cpl of days due to playing everynight live at the moment. well not everynight but currently playing 4-5 nights a week so will update tommorow
Had a little sessh when i got in last night after being knocked out early in nuts leaugue
Tilted on NL4 against someone else who was on tilt
BR £349.40
PTS 209
Hardly played again last few days
When i started this diary i was playing 1 night a week live , maybe 2 , but been playing more and realised earlier i,m playing every night this week from Mon - Fiday and am currently in 3 leaugues, but once they finish i think i,ll have to cut it down a bit.
Got a tip off one of the best tournament players on here and he says the biggest way he improved his game was to just play as many hands as possible , which obviously is not possible playing live, but i,ll try and strike a balance after the leugues i,m in have finished
Mondays Redtooth leaugue - Week 3 (21 players )
BR £349.40
PTS 209
- After playing for 1st time in about a week it was mixed results
Only playing a FR PLO and a FLOPs PLO (27 players - 3rd for about £6 )
Min cashed in FR for 68p but just enjoying playing
It would be interesting to see my PLO record against NLHE as its much better although i rarely play it
Does anyone know if you can do that on Sharkscope?
A bit dissapointed last night as i thought i ,d signed up for the £500 FR, but can,t of done as i wasn,t regd
BR £352.27
PTS 241
Just flopped a royal - got abit to greedy at the end with it tho
mo4re importantly i,m 3rd of 14 on another site with 177 started ( $8 buy in) EDIT 2nd of 13 now (got 4th for $96 dollars and that was after 2 or 3 bad bts toward the end)
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancelark1000 Small blind £0.02 £0.02 £8.13 mrmart Big blind £0.04 £0.06 £2.43 Your hole cards K J MP33 Raise £0.16 £0.22 £8.18 boyboy5507 Call £0.16 £0.38 £11.70 davies1876 Call £0.16 £0.54 £4.26 ArfurDaley Fold lark1000 Call £0.14 £0.68 £7.99 mrmart Fold Flop A 10 Q lark1000 Check MP33 Check boyboy5507 Bet £0.08 £0.76 £11.62 davies1876 Call £0.08 £0.84 £4.18 lark1000 Call £0.08 £0.92 £7.91 MP33 Raise £0.20 £1.12 £7.98 boyboy5507 Call £0.12 £1.24 £11.50 davies1876 Call £0.12 £1.36 £4.06 lark1000 Fold Turn 2 MP33 Bet £0.32 £1.68 £7.66 boyboy5507 Call £0.32 £2.00 £11.18 davies1876 Fold River 5 MP33 All-in £7.66 £9.66 £0.00 boyboy5507 Fold MP33 Muck MP33 Win £1.85 £1.85 MP33 Return £7.66 £0.15 £9.51
27 Nov '12 at 01:20PokerBanff£5.44£0.00InternetHand History 26 Nov '12 at 23:57PokerBluewell£-0.01£0.00InternetHand History 26 Nov '12 at 22:42PokerCharlton£0.33£0.00InternetHand History 26 Nov '12 at 22:42PokerWatchet£-0.39£0.00InternetHand History 26 Nov '12 at 22:38Poker£200 Gtd (15 mins)£-5.50£0.00InternetHand History
BR £356.64
PTS 258
Quite a different month to last month as you can tell by the pts earned. Playing again live tonight and with my local pub final on 12th December i need to make the top ten and i,m currently 9th but there are lot of ppl around me with similar pts so i will be there every Wednesday and Friday night for both games until the Final.
I think were up to the 9th week tonight from 13 weeks in the Nuts leaugue and i,m currently 3rd so will continue to play every week until that finishes.
After this i will playing a lot more online again
Although its not quite the end of the month i still havent qualifies for the Luton SPT due to not playing enough satelites which was my main aim for this month. Still time and i,ll be going fo it over the weekend
Slipped to 4th of 68 so need a result tonight (Nuts leauge)
Player#PlayedAve.Total1Paul Barber1002293472428942Geoff Stapley1004003834027163Neil Bevan 73351460734524164Paul Robinson73351520632219305Rene Mollinga732707723516466Kevin 'twostrokecharlie' Roberts100398453261628
Also slipped to 4th of 21 in the Redttoth Leaugue
Decided to go bk to NL4 tonight and maybe the odd satelite
EDIT : didn,t quite go to plan
After looking over thread it seems my best results are coming from PLO and as i won £7.50 on another site in a FR i noticed some $5 dollar PLO DYM,s so played them and ended up winning 8/10. Its just a shame you cant play for $10 at this format
Did get to play 1 game on Sky
27 Nov '12 at 23:49PokerDouble Your Money£4.50£0.00InternetHand History
PTS 258 (No c4p for me this month) but my main aim was to qualify for Luton but with 3 more night of live poker coming up its looking a bit tricky
But in 1st game tonight £5 +£1 pub game shudda won it when i was HU - I was about 8-1 up with my A9 vs 89 AIPF HU_ but I got hit by a river for a str8. then JJ got bt by Q 10 off AIPF and we eventually decided to split as we had about even for £45 each (small brag i spose)
Didn,t play the second game as i wanted a cpl of m8,s to reach the final and that split had just gtd my final place on Wednesday after 3 months which is effeftively a £50 buy in - 10 player STT for free
Happy days are back and will update on pub final
As for online - slwoly getting there - will update soon but enjoying live play as well
Ps - Nuts leaugue on hold due to miss -undertsanding rules of qualification to regionals
Redtooth - Plodding along
(aslo on a Thursday night there is a site that runs a 10 euro game and win or lose you get 10 eruro to spend on sports - can,t be bad )
EDIT : On a sadder note (1hr later) played a £5 DYM and although i cashed had to report 2 players for collusion. its only the 2nd time i,ve done it . but when it gets to the middle -latter stages and dwon to 5 , someone hitting a set on flop and FH on turn and checking all the way after the SB had put some money in and then neither of them playing a hand or making even a single bet against each other stunk of collusion, but i,ll update if hear anything back from CS)
BR £356.64
Just going through a little period to try and get motivated again. Tried a cpl of £5.50 SPT sats but both got canceled due to numbers
Of to play in the Redtooth leaugue now and got another busy week playing live , but after my local pub final (if i make it) on December 12th , that will free up 2 more nights to play online. If i do really well on Wednesday i could secure my place then but i,m currently in 10th but theres only a few pts seperating 8th -12th
Did a bit of reading of my 1 hand at atime earlier and thats going to my main aim for this month esp after getting a cpl more books from wynne1938 and just try and make some improvements for the new year
Not a gr8 start to the month but i was a bit worse for wear
PTS 10
- £11 (for month)
My only aim is to finish the month in profit, try some more Omaha games and keep enjoying it
Probably won,t be going to mad for the Santas Freeroll on 23rd as i,ll doubt i,ll get 2k pts and will be away although an IPAD would be nice
Another aim is to make my local pub final on december 12th - Only 4 games left and i,m hanging on to last spot by the skin of my teeth in 10th . I finished 11th last time and don,t want a repeat.
Also the Nuts league will finish this month so a top 3 would be gr8 to qualify for regionals although top ten qualify as well for some other regionals
10 players - 8k chips - 15 min blinds and £20 for best hand of the night with the other table with ppl who finished 11 th =20th in leaugue and jolly good buffet
Whats not to love
1/ £200
2/ £100
3/ £50
4/ 30
+£20 for best hand over 2 tables
Bad start by rasing to 350 OOP with A 9 on 1st hand and trying to get someone off by losing nearly 2k.
I,d alredady told myself i was raising the 1st hand of the game even on 72 as i knew it would get a round of applause as i,m known for bluffing all the time even though i play differently on line. In the pub i,m raising everything and picking up blind steals all the time. Luckily tonight i had about 7th choice of seat number i chose 8 in a flash. I was at the right hand of the 2 tightest players on the table - result - and knew they were always easy blind steals and thats wher a lot of my chips were got as i went on to win it for and picked along quad 6,s on the way for best hand- £220 - minus a few drinks and a V.good night
+nephews and neices xmas comin up
And still nothing to report online asi haven,t been playing. Played a cpl of small games ther other night w/o success, and can.t play tonight due to my local pub final - 10 players - Jst short of £500 in the pot so hopefully i can play as well as i did last Friday night and take it down
Regarding the above post about collusion - i received a quite detailed email from Sky saying they had looked into it and won,t be taking it any further. The information they gave me was enough to suggest they had looked into it properly and i have to admit on this occasion it looks like i was wrong
Ps - Will update BR soon but gotta go now and play this final
Seems like ages since ive played on here. Been playing a few $5 and $10 dollar PLO DYM,s elsewhere and have a good record after about 40 games (enough to suggest i should carry on with them and now as most of the leagues are finishing for xmas i should be able to play a bit more online)
Also got "The mental game of poker on its way" and been reading 1 HAAT volume 2 quite a bit which should stand be in good stead for MTT,s in latter stages (if i get there)
Anyway - just had half an hour back on the 5p action tables . Missed them and hope to play more soon
BR £356.64 +£9.12 = £365.76
EDIT : couldnt sleep so played on for abit. I wouldn,t normally play a £10 game but with 4 losing players regd in a 6 max STT it made sense and to cut a long story short after going out in 3rd on the bubble but can,t complain as i got it in good 2x and just suffered bad bts
Played a bit of cash and a cpl more games - lost a cpl of quid i reckon but not much : (I,ll add it up after nxt session) (its now 6.32am)
17 Dec '12 at 04:35PokerBanff£7.22£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History 17 Dec '12 at 04:33PokerCawston£1.89£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History 17 Dec '12 at 04:23PokerDouble Your Money£0.00£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History 17 Dec '12 at 03:38PokerDouble Your Money£1.75£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History 17 Dec '12 at 02:48Poker£10 + £1£-11.00£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History 17 Dec '12 at 02:16PokerDouble Your Money£2.70£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History 17 Dec '12 at 02:08Poker£150 Gtd (30 mins)£-5.50£0.00InternetHand History