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Could i have played this differently, or just a cooler?
Hand History #735312833 (00:42 21/01/2014)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceRyanC7Small blind £0.10£0.10£19.30rancidBig blind £0.20£0.30£43.09 Your hole cards44 ShaunyTCall £0.20£0.50£45.18tinman2Call £0.20£0.70£11.72xxxRaise £1.00£1.70£24.50ricoramb03Fold RyanC7Fold rancidCall £0.80£2.50£42.29ShaunyTCall £0.80£3.30£44.38tinman2Call £0.80£4.10£10.92Flop 4Q3 rancidCheck ShaunyTBet £1.80£5.90£42.58tinman2Fold xxxCall £1.80£7.70£22.70rancidFold Turn A ShaunyTBet £3.00£10.70£39.58xxxRaise £6.00£16.70£16.70ShaunyTCall £3.00£19.70£36.58River 2 ShaunyTCheck Bet £7.60£27.30£9.10ShaunyTCall £7.60£34.90£28.98mrfixitShowQQ ShaunyTMuck44 xxxWinThree Queens£33.15 £42.25I think I did well to lose the minimum, or could I have got away???
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We should probably go broke here. This time, we lost the minimum. Long term though, if we don't get all the money in at some point with a flopped set (unless board is ridic or runout is funky), then we are missing out on too much value.