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Happy Christmas from all the Community Team!
Hi guys,
Happy Christmas from all the Community Team here at Sky Poker.
That's myself, Steve M and all the mods.
we wish you and your Families a fantastic festive period.
(i will be away for a couple of days so if anyone has any questions please just drop me a PM, stay patient and i'll reply on my return.)
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Have an awesome time!
Merry xmas to the rest of the sky team also and yesh skymod6 (only familiar with you)!
Aneshka (Ness)
And thanks Sky Rich especially for all the help he has openly offered and the great offers/rewards he has given to the community all year (hope santa brings you what you asked for as i for one can vouch you have been a very good boy)
Merry Christmas to all the sky team and the forum regulars.
I would like to heap praise on the sky team some more as they love it anyway ! Dont lie !!!!
Its been a very good year for me all round after a seriously low end last year even if i've dipped the last 3 months or so. Vegas was amazing to put it lightly and mark my words i'll be giving it my all from january 1st to get my game in shape to get back thier and improve even furthur. Alot of it is down to this website and the way its run and the people who make it what it is. So a massive thank you and keep it up
Have a good christmas and fellow players watch out !
may your christmas be not-to-white