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flop of dreams nightmare of turns
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancerivermunkySmall blind £0.15£0.15£21.52yddisBig blind £0.30£0.45£14.84 Your hole cards88 KILLAJRaise £0.60£1.05£22.65ness4Call £0.60£1.65£41.54emergencyFold rivermunkyCall £0.45£2.10£21.07yddisFold Flop 282 rivermunkyCheck KILLAJBet £1.05£3.15£21.60ness4Raise £2.40£5.55£39.14rivermunkyCall £2.40£7.95£18.67KILLAJCall £1.35£9.30£20.25Turn 9 rivermunkyCheck KILLAJCheck ness4Bet £4.65£13.95£34.49rivermunkyCall £4.65£18.60£14.02KILLAJFold River Q rivermunkyAll-in £14.02£32.62£0.00ness4Call £14.02£46.64£20.47rivermunkyShow88 ness4Show99 ness4WinFull House, 9s and 2s£44.84 £65.31
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Why did you slow play the 2nd nuts OOP facing a raise and a re-raise on the flop?
If the turn checks all the way, you are just open jamming the river right?
Whatever he does on that flop is gonna look strong, after that action.
It was similar with my QQ vs 1010 hand where it was run twice and he hit 10 on both runs of the cards all in preflop. Haven't worked out the odds of it, but to win both it was quite slim doing it back to back runs.