Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
Gotta be said Rich, as painfuly inept as you are at Poker, you are good at speechy things.
PS - Bring in Coffee - Canteen is closed, pfft.
PPS - Rehearsal starts at 5pm - do try & arrive before 4.59 for a change.
PPPS - I love you. If you bring me coffee.
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Tikay, the burgundy old-dear
had a very shiny coat.
And if you ever saw him,
you would even say it glows.
All of the other players
used to laugh and call him names.
They never let poor Tikay
join in any poker games.
Then one foggy Boxing Eve
Sky Des came to say:
"Tikay with your coat so bright,
won't you host Mastercash tonight?"
Then all the players loved him
as they shouted out with glee,
Tikay the burgundy old-dear
you’re the oldest man in history!
I hope you will find the time in your very busy schedule tonight to show some of last weeks TKO.
(or maybe just a list of the 100 players who cashed
Rich - please make a note - so you don't forget - whether you drive in, or get a taxi. Saves a lot of time & hassle later.
What could be simpler?
If you want to be featured on Tonight's Master Cash, these are the Tables to play on.
Master Cash 7. (£0.20-£0.40)
Master Cash 8. (Same buy-in, but this Table will not open until Master Cash Table 7 is half-full).
Master Cash 9. (£0.25 - £0.50)
Master Cash 10, (Same).
There will also be the usual "Top of the Pots" section, which shows the biggest cash hands of the week.*
* Interesting fact. I invented the term "Top of the Pots", but now Rich claims he did.
I love you, too, Dear, especially now that you have pledged yourself to Team tikay for life.
You just can't get the staff these days! It's Total Player as 3 more of you will be be plucked.....
Richard, your report card for this week is "Must try harder" otherwise I'll have to ask Tikay to do the thread. ;-)
Oh and he's here LMAO
I've noticed over the last week or so quite a few players on the tables playing Q9 off-suit and flopping absolute monsters so the hand must have its positives!!!
Anyway enjoyed being part of TKO and cannot wait for TKwhateveritis part deux!!!
That is all!!!
+ 1,000000000000000000000 - C'est formidable!!!
You just can't get the staff these days! It's Total Player as 3 more of you will be be plucked.....
Richard, your report card for this week is "Must try harder" otherwise I'll have to ask Tikay to do the thread. ;-)
how to be lazy without appearing lazy Rich, Tikay taken over yet??
For my own personal delight, it was a joy ripping through 30 Tikayites to gain victory for me but talk about the screwjob of all screwjobs in the team event!!!
I'm still gutted that Team Orford lost 3-2 and i was wondering is there any chance of overturning the team victory by appealing to the Court of Sky Poker Suits or go one better and appeal to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg!!
I think EGO would be a catchier title in the next incarnation than DPTK or TKLML (No contest really of who would win that one!) or TKTH or TKSC or TKEG or TKPNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS!!!!
PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS is officially the longest word in the English Dictionary and not the name of a train station somewhere that Tikay has probably visited in Mid-Wales!!