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Was very unhappy with the way I played this hand. I wont post too much information in regards to thought process and his range. General thoughts here calling off on the river?
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancexSmall blind £0.10£0.10£29.52HYPETINGBig blind £0.20£0.30£35.77 Your hole cards88 eagle05Fold A10u8Fold kcxyzFold marley1409Fold xRaise £0.50£0.80£29.02HYPETINGCall £0.40£1.20£35.37Flop A6A xBet £1.00£2.20£28.02HYPETINGCall £1.00£3.20£34.37Turn 10 xCheck HYPETINGCheck River 8 xBet £2.40£5.60£25.62HYPETINGRaise £6.20£11.80£28.17xAll-in £25.62£37.42£0.00HYPETINGCall £21.82£59.24£6.35xShow
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Granted the bet sizing looks really strong or bluffy. So either you are a hero or a zero.
But I don't see how you would get away when you have 20 seconds to react. Was prob a heat of the moment call. A bit more thinking may of got you to lay down what was the 6th nuts when he shoves all in.
If I had to put money on what he had. Flush or A8. Rest would make his line fricking werid, but hey people play odd lines sometimes. Only other thing in this hand I might comment on is that sometimes I might 3bet this hand preflop in a blind on blind raise. Good chance he has junk that you are ahead of.
Fwiw 3-betting pre here bvb as suggested above is just really bad.
I posted up a similiar hand about a year ago flop came A33
I had 6s, vilian checked i checked, Turn a 6 he bet i re raised, he smooth called.
River x, he checked!! i bet he shoved, he had pocket aces.
Before i read your last post, i thought it was Ace 10. Ive hut my fh let's play it cute, on the river seemingly we don't have much 2 fear, his massive overbet shove is the biggest tell ever here. When he does this i think we are beat here most times. Hard 1 to fold tho.
It's never a bluff here imo. Or Flush