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Cash spot with Queens

edited March 2017 in Cash Strategy

A scenario to discuss...

Blinds = 25p/50p
Your stack (under the gun) = £40
Opponent 1 stack (button) = £60
Opponent 2 stack (big blind) = £20

- You raise to £1.50 with QQ
- Opponent 1 re-raises on the button to £6
- Then opponent 2 shoves his full stack

Both are fairly good players but have shown some agressive play in previous hands. However, opponent 1 you consider to be tight-agressive from when you have played with them and opponent 2 is loose-aggressive.

What do you do here and why?


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    edited February 2014
    We are 3 handed we all shortstacking and we have queens..... SHIIIIIIIPIIIIIIT
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    edited February 2014
    I think I jam we got the ladies man :)
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    edited February 2014
    If we shove, there's a good chance we get rid of the first guy. The £20 man is potentially pushing a lot lighter than queens, so I'm happy to go to war against him... but if the first guy comes with us, we're probably in trouble.
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    edited February 2014
    well i think it looks stonger if we just call half our stack anyways i think the most imortant question is why isnt my auto rebuy not working ?????

    anyway i think this is a ridiculas hand senario, and his 3 bet sizeing is ridic too , this guy ha sgot his gf to make this hand up for him so it makes this waste of time forum extension look a bit busier imo
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Cash spot with Queens:
    well i think it looks stonger if we just call half our stack anyways i think the most imortant question is why isnt my auto rebuy not working ????? anyway i think this is a ridiculas hand senario, and his 3 bet sizeing is ridic too , this guy ha sgot his gf to make this hand up for him so it makes this waste of time forum extension look a bit busier imo
    Posted by N1CK
    How is shoving £20 over £6 ridiculous?
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    edited February 2014
    im talking about player 1 who is meant to be a good player 3 betting to £6 , just seems rather massive esp with stacks, i dont know what that means just seems really bad to me
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Cash spot with Queens:
    im talking about player 1 who is meant to be a good player 3 betting to £6 , just seems rather massive esp with stacks, i dont know what that means just seems really bad to me
    Posted by N1CK
    I'd maybe have gone to £4.80 or thereabouts, but I don't think the three-bet size is an issue. It depends what he is holding, and what he is trying to achieve with the £6.
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Cash spot with Queens:
    In Response to Re: Cash spot with Queens : I'd maybe have gone to £4.80 or thereabouts, but I don't think the three-bet size is an issue. It depends what he is holding, and what he is trying to achieve with the £6.
    Posted by Slipwater
    why would it depend on what hes holding etc? shouldnt he use the same size for his entire 3 bet range? or is it better to 3 bet bigger with such shallow stacks?
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Cash spot with Queens:
    In Response to Re: Cash spot with Queens : why would it depend on what hes holding etc? shouldnt he use the same size for his entire 3 bet range? or is it better to 3 bet bigger with such shallow stacks?
    Posted by N1CK
    Not necessarily.

    I think you should mix up your bet sizes to keep opponents guessing.
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Cash spot with Queens:
    In Response to Re: Cash spot with Queens : Not necessarily. I think you should mix up your bet sizes to keep opponents guessing.
    Posted by Slipwater
    so how do you play this hand?  do you reckon this is one of them capped tables and OP forgot to mention it?
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Cash spot with Queens:
    In Response to Re: Cash spot with Queens : so how do you play this hand?  do you reckon this is one of them capped tables and OP forgot to mention it?
    Posted by N1CK
    I already gave my response earlier in the thread :)
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Cash spot with Queens:
    In Response to Re: Cash spot with Queens : I already gave my response earlier in the thread :)
    Posted by Slipwater
    i wasnt really that clear to me, you kind of said somethine but nothing it was like a riddle... so you just call the £20 ?
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    edited February 2014

    My implication was that I shove. No point calling, because if £60 man calls too, then no matter what the flop brings, we are priced in to be calling off the rest of it should he make a bet. At least if we shove, we may get rid of the big stack.

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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Cash spot with Queens:
    My implication was that I shove. No point calling, because if £60 man calls too, then no matter what the flop brings, we are priced in to be calling off the rest of it should he make a bet. At least if we shove, we may get rid of the big stack.
    Posted by Slipwater
    well not really a big stack, so if we shove it may look like we are trying to "get rid of the big stack" and we could isolate the loose player with a wider range so we could get called by worse hands from player 2?
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    edited February 2014
    Think its an easy shove
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    edited February 2014
    Interesting opinions.  I've just posted a hand very similar to this spot, however opponents show more strength.
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    edited November 2016
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    edited November 2016
    I'd jam, if I had kings or aces I'd be more tempted to flat call and hope player 2 jams to try get me off the pot seeing as he's loose aggressive. I'd hope my jam with the queens makes him think I've got to have something strong and so get him to fold drawing hands or lower pairs. Not sure if that's the right way to go about things but its what I'd do.

    What was the out come?
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    edited November 2016
    In Response to Re: Cash spot with Queens:
    I'd jam, if I had kings or aces I'd be more tempted to flat call and hope player 2 jams to try get me off the pot seeing as he's loose aggressive. I'd hope my jam with the queens makes him think I've got to have something strong and so get him to fold drawing hands or lower pairs. Not sure if that's the right way to go about things but its what I'd do. What was the out come?
    Posted by smilewiper
    OP was nearly 3 years ago so might be struggling to ever find that out.
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    edited March 2017
    In Response to Re: Cash spot with Queens:
    My implication was that I shove. No point calling, because if £60 man calls too, then no matter what the flop brings, we are priced in to be calling off the rest of it should he make a bet. At least if we shove, we may get rid of the big stack.
    Posted by Slipwater
    We have QQ, what hands are you hoping big stack gets rid of?
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    edited March 2017
    80%of the time i shove, 20% I call and if no king or aces flops i shove, something like that for me
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