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Spot with Queens

edited February 2014 in Cash Strategy
Villain2 Small blind £0.25 £0.25 £187.14
gazza127 Big blind £0.50 £0.75 £152.21
  Your hole cards
Villain1 Raise £2.00 £2.75 £42.71
Villain2 Raise £5.75 £8.50 £181.39
gazza127 Call £5.50 £14.00 £146.71
Villain1 All-in £42.71 £56.71 £0.00
Villain2 Raise £77.42 £134.13 £103.97
gazza127 Fold

We have recently gone 3 handed and things are very aggro.  Villain 1 is little bit trigger happy sometimes, so the plan was to cold call the 3 bet as a cold 4 bet looks too strong and snap any shove from Villain1.

Plan seemed to work a treat until Villain2 decided to raise after the shove...  He probably knows Villain1 is very aggro so may be calling lighter than normal, but he has to have a hand of value at this point.  I have no notes on Villain2.

Summary... pretty sure i'm ahead of Villain1's shove.
No idea where I stand v Villain2 but he could call lighter than normal in this spot.

So.... shove or fold?


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    edited February 2014
    Really, really tough spot this deep. 

    I mean we have QQ 3-handed, but most regs don't like getting in 300bb pre without KK+ in my experience.

    Given the dynamics you have stated about villain 1, and the fact that your hand is super underepped after you flatted the initial 3-bet I don't think shoving would be bad. If your giving villain 2 a range of JJ/AKo+ it's close, it really depends on how wide you feel villain 2 is isolating villain 1.

    As we are relatively readless, I prefer to take the lower variance route and fold. We have only invested 11bb after all.

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    edited February 2014
    Tough spot. Equity wise you likely have enough to call, but not sure I love it given the fair chance at least one of them has you beat. As above post says it isn't that often you get that much action without one person showing AA or KK. Are you going to be lucky and be up against JJ and AK or lower? Hmm, I think there are better spots than a 3-way all in to use QQ. Just my opinon, and I should note that I hate QQ nearly as much as I do AQos.. they lose me lots both of them. Like I've had QQ 59 times this month and won 85% of the hands, but am down overall. I hate the hand. lol

    One of those QQ hands last month actually had me on tilt for the first time in about 2 years. lol
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    edited February 2014
    As Chris said, very dependant on how wide villain 2 is isolating villain 1. Against a range of TT+ and AK we have 52.37% equity in the big side pot with villain (38% for the split pot if we give villain 1 a loose shoving range) - if we change that to JJ+ we have 47.37% equity in the big side pot. Although if we shove there's a medium chance he might fold his TT/JJ hands meaning we'd have worse equity vs his range. There's also a small chance he makes a bigger mistake and folds his AK which would be great for us. 

    Either way it seems pretty marginal and from my experience villain 2's in this spot tend to still have a super tight range when they re-isolate here. Against QQ+ and AK we only have 40% so folding would then easily be best. If we change our hand to KK it becomes a slam dunk GII, which I'm sure you know!
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