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I got lucky, but what should I do after flop raise?
gamaSmall blind £0.10£0.10£19.80CJ227Big blind £0.20£0.30£20.30 Your hole cardsQA DonttelmumFold spik1966Fold supercrazyRaise £0.60£0.90£19.40mrdaviesRaise £1.80£2.70£23.69gamaFold CJ227Fold supercrazyCall £1.20£3.90£18.20Flop 8A4 supercrazyCheck mrdaviesBet £2.00£5.90£21.69supercrazyRaise £7.93£13.83£10.27mrdaviesAll-in £21.69£35.52£0.00supercrazyAll-in £10.27£45.79£0.00mrdaviesUnmatched bet £5.49£40.30£5.49supercrazyShowKA mrdaviesShowQA Turn Q River 5 mrdaviesWinTwo Pairs, Aces and Queens£38.50 £43.99
NO history, had not long joined the table, didn't give him AK as he raised from cut off.. so was more than happy until re raise where I felt he had either flopped set or had AK.
without being results orientated on this hand - do you think this is a fold?
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I'll say this. AQ is one of my most costly hands. Nearly tot he point of not playing it anymore. It is a hand that will often win you a little or lose you a lot. (EDIT: just checked and AQos is my worst hand for loss over Jan/Feb this year. Hate the hand. lol)
IP, try 3 betting a mixture of hands that aren't good enough to flat, but have decent equity when called (A10o K9s J8s) and obv value hands JJ+ AKo. We can easily fold to a 4bet with our marginal hands and GII with our value hands.
When we have more info on the villain we may wanna start 3betting AQ for value etc.
Post Flop - Tbh it's a bit of a cooler. Villain is not gonna have AK very often here considering he flatted your btn 3bet.
Re-raising the flop is definitely a mistake. Villain is forced to fold all his bluffs and call with all the hands that crush you.
Call flop then obv call the shove on the turn now we have hit the Q and gone ahead off all villain's 2prs is a much better line.
ty for comments