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hello sky community, i just wondered if anyone could give some advice on what to look for when i buy a new laptop in the next few days. I'm only interested in browsing the internet and playing online poker. I want to be able to play at least 4 tables at a time which at the moment is not possible due to my very old pc. Any advice would be great. THANKS
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Aup habbin.
I have no idea when it comes to technology so wud be interested to know the answer too.
Just to add to ya question....what makes the site run faster? is it the quality of ya laptop? ur internet connection? both? or something to do with ya internet settings n stuff?
Also wen mi bro is home from uni we're often online at the same time on different lappys? - Wud this slow both our connections down or doesnt it matter?
You will get a nice one between £300-400.... Try not to go less than 4GB Ram
The "quality" of your laptop (i.e. RAM and processor), your internet connection, other software/malware on your laptop, the browser you are using, the versions of software and other programs that you have running at the same time all contribute.
Bill Gates. (Only joking).
Lisa-Marie knows all about laptops... what features they need & where to get 'em from and stuff ;-)
I'm certainly going to keep on trying, though.
Go for Windows 7 over Vista (I'd be suprised if you find a laptop on sale that does not at least have the option of a free upgrade to Windows 7 from Vista).
Set yourself a limit then shop around for a model with the fastest processor and most memory.
Also their phone lines are charged at local rate so makes life easier. You can also email them at and they will get back to you with suggestions and links and all things beneficial.
( I used to work for them and can recommend them as being top notch )
Good luck.
thanks for the help and advice guys.