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Player is a good MTT reg, never seen them playing cash before.
I think this is probably a fold on the river, they would check if they had show down value. Tough the board run out has been pretty good. Call or fold on the river?
FeltSithSmall blind £0.10£0.10£19.15craigieboyBig blind £0.20£0.30£57.24 Your hole cardsQK LARSON7Raise £0.60£0.90£19.40xCall £0.60£1.50£19.40Ross1810Call £0.60£2.10£41.22mattyorks4Fold FeltSithFold craigieboyFold Flop 3Q4 LARSON7Bet £1.58£3.68£17.82xCall £1.58£5.26£17.82Ross1810Fold Turn 4 LARSON7Bet £2.63£7.89£15.19xCall £2.63£10.52£15.19River 9 LARSON7Check xBet £5.26£15.78£9.93LARSON7?
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With paired board and backdoor flush maybe he sees it as a chance to bluff given your check after 2 streets of betting, but if it is a bluff he has put out a bet that is very value-town. Normally I C/Cl a marginal hand and I can't range villian on very much, but I'll fold some too if I find it really tough. My gut would be screaming he has the FH with 3's though to be honest and I'd have to fight myself not to call. lol
In the off chance it was a bluff/ worse hand than mine (!), i didn't really understand what he could have here.
It does look really valuey.
Should have just folded, was surprised at what i seen, Q9 (os)!!
Only reason I didn't include Q9 in my possible hand range was because I took your view on him being a good MTT player as my baseline. Sorry, but not sure how he is good if he is calling UTG raise in UITG+1 with Q9os. Hey, maybe he was drunk or something, but otherwise not sure your notes on him are right.
never seen them playing at a cash table before, maybe they were just there for a bit of fun i suppose.
It was really ackward, i agree Kalie, thought i would have known about they had a FH, set, AQ before the river.
It was also hard seeing them having a back door flush here unless it was something like 5s6s.
I was at a total loss on the river.
I don't know if i am better betting river, or check calling. I suppose i thought at the time it's hard for him to call a bet, so was best to check and let him try and bluff at it.
If you think about the hands he can have on the river... he's definitely checking back TT/JJ imo and probably QJ/QT, he can't get much/any value with them and most players are NEVER gonna turn JJ/TT into a bluff here when they'll be good a lot. There's practically no missed straight draws and zero missed FDs. Unless he has double floated to bluff the river (which is super rare) he's probably gonna bluff close to never whereas if you bet/fold he can be a non believer and call with QJ/QT/JJ/TT and if he raises we know we're beat.
but lambert got there...... exactly what I was thinking lambert well put...:)
really I was just going to say it was quads, 44 bet it was..... and then I read more and was wrong on that aswell.