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Couple interesting hands from recent HU match
Hand History #754986194 (06:52 12/03/2014)
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceSkyWagesSmall blind £0.50£0.50£206.40Stevie_JBig blind £1.00£1.50£130.70 Your hole cards9J SkyWagesRaise £1.50£3.00£204.90Stevie_JRaise £6.00£9.00£124.70SkyWagesCall £5.00£14.00£199.90Flop 9Q6 Stevie_JBet £9.00£23.00£115.70SkyWagesCall £9.00£32.00£190.90Turn J Stevie_JCheck SkyWagesBet £16.00£48.00£174.90Stevie_JCall £16.00£64.00£99.70River A Stevie_JCheck SkyWagesCheck Stevie_JShowKA SkyWagesShow9J
Hand History #754987415 (07:36 12/03/2014)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceStevie_JSmall blind £0.50£0.50£128.10SkyWagesBig blind £1.00£1.50£243.40 Your hole cardsQ2 Stevie_JRaise £1.50£3.00£126.60SkyWagesRaise £7.00£10.00£236.40Stevie_JCall £6.00£16.00£120.60Flop 8A10 SkyWagesBet £9.00£25.00£227.40Stevie_JCall £9.00£34.00£111.60Turn 6 SkyWagesBet £22.00£56.00£205.40Stevie_JCall £22.00£78.00£89.60River 8 SkyWagesAll-in £205.40£283.40£0.00Stevie_JFold SkyWagesMuck SkyWagesWin £77.00 £77.00SkyWagesReturn £205.40£1.00£282.40
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Don't play much heads-up so you may be right.
My thinking was that the A is a great barrel card for the villain if he has air. When he checks I think he has decent showdown value a large % of the time. You also have loads of busted draws in your range + 1pr hands you might turn into a bluff J10 etc. Imo you might get hero'd here by Ax here more often than you think.
Granted it was the only way to win the pot. But stacking off is a huge play and not really sure what you get out of it long term and posting it here. Over betting the pot looks largely bluffy and would get snapped off by better players.