I've just looked at the 'Sky Poker Live - TV, SPT & UKPC part of the forum and read that
"Plans are afoot for something different this year"
Hopefully I can be corrected on this but I'm assuming that this means the end of the SPT's that so many Sky players have enjoyed so much over the years.
This would be such a shame in my opinion. I realise that the recent high buy in event was a great success and Sky and the team behind it deserve huge credit for that. I just think that Sky will be moving away from its roots if this kind of event is the future.
At the lowish buy in SPTs, the casinos were full of Sky regulars and they were fantastic weekends. Nobody took it too seriously and low stakes players such as myself were able to sat in for tiny amounts. I would estimate that at my first SPT. 90%+ of the field were Sky regulars. I noticed that at the £220 buy in at Nottingham, there were far less Sky players and certainly at the recent event the % was very far lower.
I understand that there will always be sats into the higher buy in tournaments. The difference is that the lower stake players will probably have to go through a fair few sats to get to qualify for the event. There is always the temptation to just take the cash as well when you qualify for a £240 sat and your normal level is for example £5 tourneys.
Part of the attraction of the SPTs has been getting to meet the people who you've chatted to on the forums and making friendships. As someone who has never really had 'poker' friends this was fantastic. Certainly far preferable than sitting at a table with some very serious young men in sunglasses and hoodies.
I'm far from convinced that the £1000+ buy in events attract new players to the site. I imagine that players who are comfortable buying in directly to these events already have a pretty good idea of where they want to play their online poker.
Ideally for me, the standard SPT's and the big events could run in tandem together. I have no idea if this would be feasible
It would be really good to know what the plans are moving forward as soon as possible.
Was really excited to potentially attend my first SPT this year ..
I hope the hesitation of Sky to announce the 2014 tour is not because they want to come up with something more expensive and therefore more exclusive. The best thing about the tour is the atmosphere: don't dilute that by alienating many of your supporters with hefty entry fees.
SPT are great event to meet people who you have played and chatted too on here
also they are a great for people who have never played live before
I have played at 6 SPT and all have been fantastic events. and found them all very friendly and fun full weekends
which what the SPTs are about
there has been regular communication, but there is not much I can say
the UKPC took place in february ( 18 months in the planning and a big commitment), and before that I said that the focus was on making that a success,which happened
Plenty of initiatives are underway (not an easy process, not a short process for reasons I can't make public), and as soon as they are finalised then of course they will be announced, hopefully with some background as to the delays