Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
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Best river card to get paid
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceSilentChivSmall blind £0.05£0.05£3.93easytiger1Big blind £0.10£0.15£9.90 Your hole cardsKQ sanders301Fold henley77Raise £0.20£0.35£10.67walks2311Fold SilentChivCall £0.15£0.50£3.78easytiger1Fold Flop J910 SilentChivCheck henley77Bet £0.50£1.00£10.17SilentChivCall £0.50£1.50£3.28Turn K SilentChivCheck henley77Bet £0.10£1.60£10.07SilentChivRaise £0.95£2.55£2.33henley77Call £0.85£3.40£9.22River J SilentChivAll-in £2.33£5.73£0.00henley77Call £2.33£8.06£6.89SilentChivShowKQ henley77ShowJJ SilentChivWinStraight Flush to the King£7.45 £7.45
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