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I thought so, to me he must have thought I had a over pair, to which I said in the chatbox after the hand but all I got was "why you crying when its only 2/4 cash"

Hand History #768708284 (17:37 19/04/2014)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancerufus69Small blind £0.02£0.02£7.27Spook795Big blind £0.04£0.06£4.05 Your hole cardsAA   rmathewsRaise £0.08£0.14£2.44ry6Fold    1281Raise £0.32£0.46£5.79GROUSE12Fold    rufus69Fold    Spook795Fold    rmathewsCall £0.24£0.70£2.20Flop  677   rmathewsCheck    1281Bet £0.70£1.40£5.09rmathewsCall £0.70£2.10£1.50Turn  9   rmathewsCheck    1281Bet £1.58£3.68£3.51rmathewsAll-in £1.50£5.18£0.001281Unmatched bet £0.08£5.10£3.59rmathewsShow55   1281ShowAA   River  5   rmathewsWinFull House, 5s and 7s£4.71 £4.7


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