Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
exit hand after AA cracked
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancejobby762Small blind 4000.004000.0010100.00rivermunkyBig blind 8000.0012000.0020138.91 Your hole cardsKK blueyejewlFold kamilos809Fold SparkyKeefFold JamPokerRaise 32000.0044000.0072600.00jobby762All-in 10100.0054100.000.00rivermunkyAll-in 20138.9174238.910.00JamPokerUnmatched bet 3861.0970377.8276461.09jobby762ShowA10 rivermunkyShowKK JamPokerShow99 Flop A79 Turn 7 River 10 JamPokerWinFull House, 9s and 7s70377.82 146838.9
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