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2nd ever post - should I be checking it back!?
I put the guy on the king so repped hard on the turn... should I be still betting or checking back the river!?!?
Hand History #771373119 (21:18 26/04/2014)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceIcBear25Small blind 15.0015.003770.83Frank13Big blind 30.0045.004760.00 Your hole cardsA7 thenutsbabFold diamonds28Fold atypicalFold IrishRoseFold IcBear25Raise 75.00120.003695.83Frank13Call 60.00180.004700.00Flop AAK IcBear25Check Frank13Bet 60.00240.004640.00IcBear25Call 60.00300.003635.83Turn K IcBear25Check Frank13Bet 1130.001430.003510.00IcBear25Call 1130.002560.002505.83River K IcBear25Check Frank13Check IcBear25ShowK5 Frank13ShowA7 IcBear25WinFour Kings2560.00 5065.83
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Not sure why you're trying to ''rep hard'' on the turn, we have the essential nuts.