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PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancedaiwSmall blind 40.0040.004695.00flynny999Big blind 80.00120.008663.75 Your hole cardsAA hotchipzFold 9se7enTr3yRaise 240.00360.0010116.25rivermunkyRaise 480.00840.0010082.50daiwFold flynny999Fold 9se7enTr3yCall 240.001080.009876.25Flop 523 9se7enTr3yCheck rivermunkyBet 810.001890.009272.509se7enTr3yCall 810.002700.009066.25Turn J 9se7enTr3yCheck rivermunkyBet 2025.004725.007247.509se7enTr3yCall 2025.006750.007041.25River 4 9se7enTr3yAll-in 7041.2513791.250.00rivermunkyCall 7041.2520832.50206.259se7enTr3yShow68 rivermunkyShowAA 9se7enTr3yWinStraight to the 620832.50 20832.50
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Was there a specific article/video/forum thread/series of videos that taught you how to break down hands and construct/think about ranges in such a way, both for yourself and opponents? It's probably the difference between most good players and the very good players and it seems pretty complicated to the untrained eye! Wouldn't know where to begin.
But then these reasoned odds judgements have got me into a lot of trouble of late . . . .
Not convinced villain can have many genuine bluffs that haven't got there one way or another by the river. It would literally have to be some random airball to try and get us off KK/QQ. But that 4 helps our range significantly, which is why it's such a great spot with a 6
This one looks to be another case of a player who just got lucky (as James Bond said) - lucky in that the combination of their hole cards and the flop put them on a potential straight -v- straight contest with one other, them holding the better end of range card and the straight being made (at 11-1?) - so they came from behind to clean up. As I say, odds on that?
Or have I got this all wrong?